Monday, September 27, 2010

Final Week: You Tell Me!

What little changes have you made that have given you big results?

1 minute stories! (Call time as usual.)

Be encouraged,


Our final 2010 Online LCBR Group begins next Wednesday: Pray, Plan, Play!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 12: Putting it all together!

The physical, emotional, and spiritual goals that we set for ourselves (and more specifically that God orchestrates in our lives) will fall apart for any of us if we are not good time managers.

My oft quoted phrase for each of the LCBR groups is "if we fail to plan, we plan to fail." In essence, planning is the key to implementing our "to do" lists. If we don't take (or make) time to plan, we'll not fulfill our dreams or finish our race successfully. Why? Because we've missed something important or neglected to focus on our (you can almost hear me say this before I say it...) "MOST IMPORTANT NOW.'

CAMPERS...this is our last week of camp. What do you still need to do that you set out to do 12 weeks ago? What did you achieve? How did you achieve it? What didn't you achieve that you wanted to achieve? Why didn't you achieve it? Planning one day in advance, one week at a glance is going to get you where you want to go! (Next quarter is Pray, Plan, Play -- over 3 months, we'll begin with 5 minutes of each a day and work our way up to 20/20/20! To join the 4th quarter, click here.)

Next week, there will be no MORE assignments, just YOUR camper stories...come prepared to share a great memory from the quarter. Better yet, share a lesson learned that will help us all.

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 11: Spiritual Growth Time!

I've noticed that you all do better with daily, versus weekly, assignments. You need to be pushed by your camp counselor, or you wander off!

This week, I encourage you to have a time of spiritual growth--our church calls it SEEK WEEK!

Consider Kneeling Prayer as a Lifestyle.

Consider reading the CYL Daily Bible everyday this week--just 15 minutes a day.

Record your conversations with God. Ask God daily, "What are you saying to me?" Write down your thoughts.

Write out your testimony to date in 3 paragraphs: my life before I came to Christ, how I came to know Christ personally, and what God is doing in my life right now.

Post the final paragraph.

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 10: Heal Your Heart

If you could change anything about your past in one week, would you do it? Of course! SO I want each of us to NOT THINK TOO HARD about this, but ask yourself, "What is the first thing that comes to my mind that hurts my heart and I wish I could change? Is it a relationship? An outburst that caused division? A recurring habit that is either genetic or long-standing?

This week, if willing, take a final stand against this one memory.

Do you need to get on your knees and relinquish control? Do you need to write a long letter of forgiveness toward someone then burn or bury the letter, never to revisit again? Do you need to accept your genetics, then do a long google search on how to "reverse" the way your body reacts to food or alcohol or...? Do you need to forgive yourself, just as God forgives you, and move on with a fresh, clean slate?

This week, I heard a pastor talk about the "connection" between forgiveness and healing. In my own simplistic way, I've captured this 1-2 experience with the words (and journal entries) FORGIVE and GIVE. The daily habit of asking God to forgive you...and for you to forgive all others, THEN to give back to someone in some tangible HEALING!

Take time this week, each day, to search your heart and experience the healing that God WANTS to give you!

Be encouraged,


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


A Boot Camp is usually brutal (I asked my brother who was in the Air Force). After Boot Camp comes Basic Training. This month, we will enter into a weekly assignment to honestly assess each part of who you are: Physically, Emotionally (relationally), Spiritually, and Mentally (organizationally). Why? If you really want to change, you must be (brutally) honest with yourself. You, of all people, know what you must change to improve or sustain your progress.

This week: Focus on Your Body

Weigh in and Measure: This is a must to dissolve all rationalization. This IS your reality. Do you like what you see? Is this where you want to be in a month or year from now? You can and must begin to change your reality with healthy eating and regular exercise. This is not JUST for size, but for a healthy cardiovascular system, for mobility, and strength.

Workout: Design a work out that works for you at home, on the road, on vacation. You must like it. You are your own Phys Ed Instructor. Don't wait for the perfect day or week to start. Start now. Even if you start small, just START.

Record and Submit: If you need to join a health club or walking group or a weigh-in group, you MUST if you want to see success quickly. On your own, you will more easily rationalize or relapse or give up. Don't give up. Be strong and submit to the process of losing weight effectively and healthily, planning and preparing meals and sticking to your plan with the help of an accountability partner. A little success goes a long way to motivate.

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


First of all, TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS! First, we have a new call in number, please be sure to check your email from FREE CONFERENCE for that number (or call Reggie at 800.444.6189) before noon PST this Wednesday. Second, I am reviving DIMDIM for those who want to be on the live call and see me! I won't be able to see you, but you can see and hear me if you are on a computer with a camera--otherwise the phone call in will work as usual. (SEE PREVIOUS POST AND FOLLOW LINK TO SIGN UP.) Of course, we'll evaluate and see if we can use one system for calls and video, but for now, we'll follow the path of least resistance:)!

This week is our last week of Boot Camp, where you'll be given 7 days of assignments. When we enter September, you will receive one assignment each week, so give this week a good push and post daily!

Day One: Review--what was the easiest/best physical activity of the Boot Camp and why?

Day Two: Evaluate--what did I learn about myself in the last six weeks (IN ONE SENTENCE)?

Day Three: Meditate--what did God confirm or say to me throughout the last 6 weeks?

Day Four: Commit--who will/can be my Accountability partner in the next month?

Day Five: Admit--what area of my life needs to be my main focus of improvement?

Day Six: Determine--will I continue to kneel and pray for 30 more days--why or why not?

Day Seven: Dream--what must I never let go of believing until I see?

Let's end Boot Camp with a great CAMP FIRE CHAT!

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week Seven: Dive In!

Camp is almost over and let's say you've been sitting on the side of the pool each day, not wanting to get wet or cold. But the camp counselor is making you DIVE IN (that would be me) and just do it!

This week, I want you to tackle those things in your life--that are very visible that just aren't fun--so you procrastinate or ignore them, and yet they "bug" you as they pile up or create chaos in your life or anxiety in your mind. It's time to DIVE IN on 10 minute tasks:

Day One: Mail Center -- How does it look/work in your home? Reorganize and "clean up"; advise family of new plan.

Day Two: Workspace -- Clear off any trash, cups, junk mail, and dust, straighten, sort.

Day Three: Car Trunk -- Be sure you have an emergency kit in your trunk (flash light, blanket, tennies, cash).

Day Four: Kitchen Counter -- Put out fresh sponges, windex the appliances, and clear the clutter from summer snacks, etc.

Day Five: Bathroom -- Throw out ALL old makeup (it very likely is carrying bacteria if older than 3-6 months).

Day Six: Attack a Pile -- Your choice of a magazine, mail, or desktop pile; eliminate and concentrate

Day Seven: Repeat one of the above tasks that most needs your attention.

Be encouraged!
