Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 10: Heal Your Heart

If you could change anything about your past in one week, would you do it? Of course! SO I want each of us to NOT THINK TOO HARD about this, but ask yourself, "What is the first thing that comes to my mind that hurts my heart and I wish I could change? Is it a relationship? An outburst that caused division? A recurring habit that is either genetic or long-standing?

This week, if willing, take a final stand against this one memory.

Do you need to get on your knees and relinquish control? Do you need to write a long letter of forgiveness toward someone then burn or bury the letter, never to revisit again? Do you need to accept your genetics, then do a long google search on how to "reverse" the way your body reacts to food or alcohol or...? Do you need to forgive yourself, just as God forgives you, and move on with a fresh, clean slate?

This week, I heard a pastor talk about the "connection" between forgiveness and healing. In my own simplistic way, I've captured this 1-2 experience with the words (and journal entries) FORGIVE and GIVE. The daily habit of asking God to forgive you...and for you to forgive all others, THEN to give back to someone in some tangible way...is HEALING!

Take time this week, each day, to search your heart and experience the healing that God WANTS to give you!

Be encouraged,



  1. There are a lot of members on this blog. Why are so few actually commenting? This must be frustrating for Becky? Why so low on the participation side? Apathy?

  2. I have not written as much for 2 reasons; exhaustion and my coumpuer cord broke a couple of days ago. I finnally found all the parts and taped them all together. I'm not the most mechanical.

  3. There is so much I would change. Trying not to focus on to much the part that comes to mind first is relationships and how I handled them.

  4. Hey, I dont think you still have to hit enter twice to post either?
    But if anyone is having problems posting, I know we'd all be happy to help.
    Kim, hope you get things fixed or have by now....

  5. Hi,
    I agree...it must be hard for Becky to put so much into these blogs and no one say anything.
    Also, thinking that it is hard for some peolpe to put themselfs out there. So, its ok I realy enjoy writing and reading everyones posts. I charish each quarter I am in and want to change.

    If i could change ...one thing
    One thing I would love to change is how smart and able to speek well. I would love memorize beautiful scripture and speak well when asked or put on the spot.

  6. Oh,
    I gess I missed the question. Pain "is" hard to explain when it is deep and not just one thing.

  7. I appreciate the way Becky highlighted various verses and applied them to this week's topic.
    Going to spend some time going back over them.
    thanks and bless you Becky.

  8. Just got back in the nick of time to hear Becky's call. I am going to listen to it again this evening as the tie in with the verses in Isaiah was rich. I don't want any of the points to escape me. Thank you Becky. I think the reason people don't post is that we all live these incrediably busy lives and it is hard to fit it all in. I so miss our teachers in the group, who I know are busy in their classrooms. I hope you still read the posts and know that we miss your insights on this blog. (Wanda & Beth) It sort of reminds me of bible studies I have been in that the first week you have 20 in your group and by the end maybe 10. Crazy, I used to like when we got to the 10 as those were the committed gals who did their studies. Now, I just get sad for those who give up too soon and miss out on the end result. More later, have to chores done. Glad to be back with you all. Hugbear, how did your trip go to drop your son off?

  9. A teacher I enjoy listening to suggested there is a time to heal and for thirty days we should concentrate on one area and see just how God is speaking to us.
    I picked my 'area' with no problem (I'm sure I have many) and have been noting how God speaks through the CYL Bilbe daily, daily prayer, sermon messages etc.
    Well, not surprisingly, two Sundays ago a woman walked into church and she had been a part of the problem 'area'. I spent most of the service rather bothered by her and what had transpired. And it wasnt anything blatant nor something where I would have to confront her. She probably doesnt even know it bothered me, but it did. Anyway, I lost total track of the message that Sunday (I dont think the guest speaker was that bad....) and no wonder! The problem area was right there testing me in a church service.
    So I'm still using my thirty days, and if need be longer to try to mend these feelings I have.
    I have quite a journal going, and am learning an awful awful lot.
    This topic fits right in there.

  10. Hello, Everyone! I've really missed the group for the last several weeks and hope to be "back in the boot camp" again by the weekend. School began for teachers on Aug. 16th--earlier than ever before--and we've had more meetings than ever before! Last week I had a meeting after school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, followed by Back-to-School Night on Thursday. My final project in the summer college course was due on August 18th, and my next class began on the 19th. I'm still getting to know the 180 students in my classes (plus the 29 more in my homeroom).

    Although I have missed the last few calls and have not posted on the blog, I have continued my daily Bible reading, journaling, and prayer, and I sense God's presence both in and out of school.

    After a very stressful last school year, I admit to starting this one with some anxiety. First, I was uncertain about being part of a content team where all of the other members are in their 20s; second, I worried about teaching the brand new freshmen since I had not taught that grade level in more than 15 years. Nevertheless, my fears were unfounded, the content team is working out well, and I absolutely love my 9th graders! They are bright, enthusiastic, a bit "squirrelly" at times, but overall just delightful! My journalism students are excited about writing, and my yearbook kids are going strong with the 2011 edition; in fact, we have already logged in more than $6000 in sales.

    I look forward to listening to the last call (or more if the older ones are still available) and catching up with reading everyone's posts over the weekend.

    Take care, everyone, and God bless!


  11. Wanda, we've missed you too!
    Praying you and all our teachers have a blessed healthy year!

  12. Robbie, The trip went really well. It is a perfect school for my son and he seems to be very happy. I have had my moments of really missing him. This is a transition time for me, which is bittersweet. Life is constantly changing. If it weren't, it wouldn't be ALIVE! I am learning how to deal with daily stress in my life and am thankful for my Network Wellness Doctor who is really helping with neuro-spinal treatments and relaxation - I am taking the time to breath deeply and I believe I have new eyes to see some harmful patterns in my relationship with my husband. I continue to kneel at my bed each morning, and say my scripture each day :"I will teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you and watch over you" Ps 32:8 I really am seeking healing in my heart and I believe God is answering my prayer.
    I do have a question for Becky: What are your thoughts on yoga postures? I know I have heard negative things about yoga because it is basic worship of Hindu gods. But then, many times I hear godly people talking about yoga and friends who really love Jesus and go to yoga classes. Just curious your thoughts on this...
    I do know the deep breathing exercises (while laying on my back) have really helped relax all the muscles in my shoulders and neck. I find myself deep breathing while I am driving etc and it really has helped me see clearer. Sorry if I am off topic - but this all has to do with healing, and I believe my heart has really been healed this past month by God. He has given me this revelation: I can only be responsible for myself, and my walk with Him. I am not responsible for anyone elses walk with God. I can change myself, my thoughts, my words, my actions. I can chose daily to trust Him. It is hugely freeing! But I believe I have been holding onto the burden of everyone else's salvation in my family and it was weighing me down... literally my posture, my neck and shoulder muscles have had huge changes in the last 6 weeks. I have learned how to let go and let God, a daily discipline for me. Freedom in Christ! Healing is looking forward to the future with joy and wholeness. God does heal and He uses humans in the process.

  13. Heal Your Heart is a very timely message! In the public and in the private lives of all we can see hurt that manifests through actions.

    Personally, the message is a good one. As an educator, I am one of those who are mentioned in these blogs as I have been negligent in posting.

    Never giving up my quiet time to read, journal, and learn, the web posting has been set aside. Hopefully, this will improve. Your encouragement is appreicated.

    The first Heart Healing that needs to take place is for me to "forgive myself" for things that don't get done. As a perfectionist, I tend to want to check everything of my list.

    Either through reading or through some other lesson I remember that if you cannot get it done, it may not be something God wants you to complete.

    So, my giving needs to be to myself. Then, I will be able to give more to others! Thank you for helping me search for healing. This will allow me to "flourish in teh House of God."

    Have a great week, Pam

  14. I so gain from all your postings. Hugbear, what huge progress you have made. Being responsible for oneself is a big breakthrough. So true that God counsels us. I am not sure what the organization is called but there is a form of Yoga that is Christian, my daughter was telling me about it. I will find out and get back to you.
    Kimberly, I have an extra power cord for the computer I am happy to send to you.
    Mickey, every time you write I want to reach through the airwaves and hug you. What a sweetness you have.
    Laura, I am with you, the verses that Becky used this week keep going on in my head and changing my heart.
    Wanda, oh how I have missed your wonderful writings. I have been praying for you and nice to know you have a great class of 9th graders, writing is such a gift. Teaching is giving over and over again. It was a high school teacher who gave my daughter the gift of learning how to write. lovely christian woman in a public hS. My daughter who didn't read until she was in 4th grade is now working on her masters degree in English. I owe it to that teacher who took a special interest in my daughter. Wanda your the best.
    Pam, I could so relate to your not getting things done. This week, I completed a task that I said, "this is good enough" prior to this if I couldn't do something perfectly it would get done. Hang in there, I miss your posts but understand with everything else you have going on.
    Laura, like the idea of one area of healing for 30 days.
    As I have thought and prayed over this healing area it has changed. At first it was the areas that I messed up in the past. I so wanted God to forgive me. In the process of wanting to change certain areas I have become too critical of myself. Who said, "healing is looking forward to the future with joy and wholeness"? Today, that phrase gave me joy in my step! Now, I realize that healing comes from within and moves outward to the process of giving to others.
    I think it is late and my words are getting jumbled. Lights out!

  15. The one thing I would change is to not give up so easily on a dream God has put in my heart. I become distracted, discouraged and disillusioned so easily.

    I forgive my self for lost dreams. And look forward to a new, focused follow-through.

    This has been a week of more inner reflection than outward sharing….
