Monday, September 27, 2010

Final Week: You Tell Me!

What little changes have you made that have given you big results?

1 minute stories! (Call time as usual.)

Be encouraged,


Our final 2010 Online LCBR Group begins next Wednesday: Pray, Plan, Play!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 12: Putting it all together!

The physical, emotional, and spiritual goals that we set for ourselves (and more specifically that God orchestrates in our lives) will fall apart for any of us if we are not good time managers.

My oft quoted phrase for each of the LCBR groups is "if we fail to plan, we plan to fail." In essence, planning is the key to implementing our "to do" lists. If we don't take (or make) time to plan, we'll not fulfill our dreams or finish our race successfully. Why? Because we've missed something important or neglected to focus on our (you can almost hear me say this before I say it...) "MOST IMPORTANT NOW.'

CAMPERS...this is our last week of camp. What do you still need to do that you set out to do 12 weeks ago? What did you achieve? How did you achieve it? What didn't you achieve that you wanted to achieve? Why didn't you achieve it? Planning one day in advance, one week at a glance is going to get you where you want to go! (Next quarter is Pray, Plan, Play -- over 3 months, we'll begin with 5 minutes of each a day and work our way up to 20/20/20! To join the 4th quarter, click here.)

Next week, there will be no MORE assignments, just YOUR camper stories...come prepared to share a great memory from the quarter. Better yet, share a lesson learned that will help us all.

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 11: Spiritual Growth Time!

I've noticed that you all do better with daily, versus weekly, assignments. You need to be pushed by your camp counselor, or you wander off!

This week, I encourage you to have a time of spiritual growth--our church calls it SEEK WEEK!

Consider Kneeling Prayer as a Lifestyle.

Consider reading the CYL Daily Bible everyday this week--just 15 minutes a day.

Record your conversations with God. Ask God daily, "What are you saying to me?" Write down your thoughts.

Write out your testimony to date in 3 paragraphs: my life before I came to Christ, how I came to know Christ personally, and what God is doing in my life right now.

Post the final paragraph.

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 10: Heal Your Heart

If you could change anything about your past in one week, would you do it? Of course! SO I want each of us to NOT THINK TOO HARD about this, but ask yourself, "What is the first thing that comes to my mind that hurts my heart and I wish I could change? Is it a relationship? An outburst that caused division? A recurring habit that is either genetic or long-standing?

This week, if willing, take a final stand against this one memory.

Do you need to get on your knees and relinquish control? Do you need to write a long letter of forgiveness toward someone then burn or bury the letter, never to revisit again? Do you need to accept your genetics, then do a long google search on how to "reverse" the way your body reacts to food or alcohol or...? Do you need to forgive yourself, just as God forgives you, and move on with a fresh, clean slate?

This week, I heard a pastor talk about the "connection" between forgiveness and healing. In my own simplistic way, I've captured this 1-2 experience with the words (and journal entries) FORGIVE and GIVE. The daily habit of asking God to forgive you...and for you to forgive all others, THEN to give back to someone in some tangible HEALING!

Take time this week, each day, to search your heart and experience the healing that God WANTS to give you!

Be encouraged,


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


A Boot Camp is usually brutal (I asked my brother who was in the Air Force). After Boot Camp comes Basic Training. This month, we will enter into a weekly assignment to honestly assess each part of who you are: Physically, Emotionally (relationally), Spiritually, and Mentally (organizationally). Why? If you really want to change, you must be (brutally) honest with yourself. You, of all people, know what you must change to improve or sustain your progress.

This week: Focus on Your Body

Weigh in and Measure: This is a must to dissolve all rationalization. This IS your reality. Do you like what you see? Is this where you want to be in a month or year from now? You can and must begin to change your reality with healthy eating and regular exercise. This is not JUST for size, but for a healthy cardiovascular system, for mobility, and strength.

Workout: Design a work out that works for you at home, on the road, on vacation. You must like it. You are your own Phys Ed Instructor. Don't wait for the perfect day or week to start. Start now. Even if you start small, just START.

Record and Submit: If you need to join a health club or walking group or a weigh-in group, you MUST if you want to see success quickly. On your own, you will more easily rationalize or relapse or give up. Don't give up. Be strong and submit to the process of losing weight effectively and healthily, planning and preparing meals and sticking to your plan with the help of an accountability partner. A little success goes a long way to motivate.

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


First of all, TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS! First, we have a new call in number, please be sure to check your email from FREE CONFERENCE for that number (or call Reggie at 800.444.6189) before noon PST this Wednesday. Second, I am reviving DIMDIM for those who want to be on the live call and see me! I won't be able to see you, but you can see and hear me if you are on a computer with a camera--otherwise the phone call in will work as usual. (SEE PREVIOUS POST AND FOLLOW LINK TO SIGN UP.) Of course, we'll evaluate and see if we can use one system for calls and video, but for now, we'll follow the path of least resistance:)!

This week is our last week of Boot Camp, where you'll be given 7 days of assignments. When we enter September, you will receive one assignment each week, so give this week a good push and post daily!

Day One: Review--what was the easiest/best physical activity of the Boot Camp and why?

Day Two: Evaluate--what did I learn about myself in the last six weeks (IN ONE SENTENCE)?

Day Three: Meditate--what did God confirm or say to me throughout the last 6 weeks?

Day Four: Commit--who will/can be my Accountability partner in the next month?

Day Five: Admit--what area of my life needs to be my main focus of improvement?

Day Six: Determine--will I continue to kneel and pray for 30 more days--why or why not?

Day Seven: Dream--what must I never let go of believing until I see?

Let's end Boot Camp with a great CAMP FIRE CHAT!

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week Seven: Dive In!

Camp is almost over and let's say you've been sitting on the side of the pool each day, not wanting to get wet or cold. But the camp counselor is making you DIVE IN (that would be me) and just do it!

This week, I want you to tackle those things in your life--that are very visible that just aren't fun--so you procrastinate or ignore them, and yet they "bug" you as they pile up or create chaos in your life or anxiety in your mind. It's time to DIVE IN on 10 minute tasks:

Day One: Mail Center -- How does it look/work in your home? Reorganize and "clean up"; advise family of new plan.

Day Two: Workspace -- Clear off any trash, cups, junk mail, and dust, straighten, sort.

Day Three: Car Trunk -- Be sure you have an emergency kit in your trunk (flash light, blanket, tennies, cash).

Day Four: Kitchen Counter -- Put out fresh sponges, windex the appliances, and clear the clutter from summer snacks, etc.

Day Five: Bathroom -- Throw out ALL old makeup (it very likely is carrying bacteria if older than 3-6 months).

Day Six: Attack a Pile -- Your choice of a magazine, mail, or desktop pile; eliminate and concentrate

Day Seven: Repeat one of the above tasks that most needs your attention.

Be encouraged!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week Six: You Have to Do Different to Be Different

This week's theme is DOING DIFFERENT in order to BE DIFFERENT.

NOTE: This week WILL BE just like football camp--we're going to push ourselves with "TWO-A-Days" (meaning 2 things to do each day), but I'll be easy on you. Your daily assignment will be non-negotiable. Your second assignment will be YOUR CHOICE of any assignment from a previous day--ideally a physical challenge, but you can choose from the emotional or spiritual challenges as well. Of course, Boot Camp requires that you kneel once a day IN ADDITION to any other assignment. (Remember, we are working under the premise that changing (or developing) a habit takes a minimum of 60 Days!

Day One: NO more Blaming. Who do you blame for what? In your past or present.
Day Two: NO Excuses. What is your most often used excuse? (Ex: Too busy, too tired, etc.)
Day Three: NO Comparing. What or who is your greatest temptation to compare with...? Why?
Day Four: NO Defensiveness. What or Who gets/makes you defensive? Why?
Day Five: NO Complaining. What is your most common, verbal complaint? How can you use it less often?
Day Six: NO Condemning. What is one word you MUST eliminate from your vocabulary?
Day Seven: NO Worrying. What is your greatest worry? Every time it pops into your head, tell it to go away and pray!

On your mark, get set, GO! (More to come in the "live" call.)

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week Five: Journal Entries to give you a Jump Start

This week, we are going to move from physical activities, to emotional ones! Both are difficult--they require that we resist any laziness or procrastination and do those things that will help us to become healthier inside and out.

Your daily assignments this week will be to answer seven questions (one each day) that are designed to (1) increase your awareness to the aspects of your life that still need to change, (2) inspire new thoughts about how to change them, and (3) require that you be transparent and honest with our group. Changing IN FRONT of others is the quickest way to change. Note: I didn't say it was painless, just quicker:)!

Day One: What is one TRUTH and one LIE that you believe right now?
Day Two: What is one MUST and one WON'T that you are committed to doing?
Day Three: What is one thing you LIKE and one thing you DISLIKE that is helping you change?
Day Four: What one thing irritates you about yourself--a personality trait or a habit?
Day Five: What characteristic do you LOVE about yourself?
Day Six: What or who gives you comfort?
Day Seven: What is a dream in your heart that won't go away?

All I'm asking of each of you is to write a one-sentence answer on the blog--if you choose to include further exploration and explanation, you are welcome to do so.

As we make little changes in our own lives, we can learn from each other, find comfort in sorrows, and encourage the one who is struggling, knowing we might be next.

Be encouraged!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week Four: Game Changers

It's time to make fitness fun, kindness crafty, and KP duties creative! (Expect greater detail on conference call.) It would be great to post your feelings, thoughts, or funny moments at least twice during the next 7 days. (Day Six is a required post day.)

Day One: Musical Chairs -- line up 3 chairs--standing/sitting squats for 60 seconds.

Day Two: "KP" -- In a 3 minute drill (set timer) -- clean off your kitchen counters of any bags of food (put in cupboard or refrigerator), throw out old food, or empty cans/bottles, tie up cords, etc.

Day Three: Kick the Can -- 60 second drill (do 5 times during the day) -- put a can on the floor and lift your R, then L toe to tap the top of the . Add 1 can each time to the pile and don't knock them over!

Day Four: Bedroom Detail -- Make your bed before you leave your bedroom for the morning (unless someone is in it!). Do this chore first thing in the morning-- then kneel by bed and pray. Next, weigh in and record.

Day Five: Capture the Flag -- 60 second drill (set timer) -- Lay on your back (on floor or bed), lift legs toward ceiling. Put a towel or band around one leg and bring that leg/knee to chest while extending the other leg. Repeat once for other leg. If you feel motivated, do a bicycle exercise on your back for 60 more seconds (you're already there)!

Day Six: Crafts Class -- Make a hand-crafted card and mail TODAY -- all in one day, pull out the supplies, make, address, post and mail a Thank You or Get Well card to someone who needs it (this could take a total of 30 minutes, as few as 10 minutes). Let us all know who you sent the card to and why--and of course, how long it took and how it made you feel.

Day Seven: Jumping Jacks -- 60 second drill (set timer) -- You can jump with a rope, lift one leg to shoulder at a time, shimmy, or stretch high hands to ceiling and back down to toes. Don't stop moving. Repeat 2-5 more times today.

Okay, campers, get active!

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week Three: The 7 Questions to Ponder

Answer these questions, please:

Day 1: You are what you eat. What do you eat?
Day 2: You are what you read. What do you read?
Day 3: You are what you watch. What do you watch?
Day 4: You are what you love. What do you love?
Day 5: You are who you hang out with. Who do you hang out with?
Day 6: You are where you came from. Where did you come from?
Day 7: I am...Post your favorite "you are..." on our blog for all to learn more about you, camper!

(Next week: Musical chairs, kick the can, etc.)

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week Two: You can do anything for 60 seconds!

Maintain your stamina in memorizing your scripture for this quarter, kneeling in prayer daily, and breathing in the Holy Spirit whenever you get frustrated or afraid!

For the next 7 days, you will be challenged to do simple tasks for 60 seconds. Set a timer, so you are not tempted to stop early. But you are welcome (and encouraged) to keep going IF you want to!

Day One: Clean out your purse or briefcase. (Throw out any wrappers, file any receipts, clean up makeup spills--eliminate and concentrate.)

Day Two: Choose any junk drawer and attack for 60 seconds. Return to it at another time or keep going. Just 60 seconds at a time--use a timer.

Day Three: Sit Ups or Squats--your choice. For sit ups, you can lay on a bed with knees up or stand with hands behind head and pull knees up to elbows. For squats, hands on a chair and bend or take a standing squat across the yard, park, sidewalk, or hallway. 60 seconds and stop.

Day Four: Load or Unload the Dishwasher or Fold Clothes in Dryer OR handwash dishes or a delicate garment. 60 seconds then stop. Finish later if you are not finished. Time the total exercise and post on blog. (Note: it usually takes much less time than we expect.

Day Five: Post on the blog what you have experienced with each assignment so far. Fun? Hard? Easy? Time it took to unload dishwasher?

Day Six: Re-organize one drawer or section of your closet. 60 seconds--use a trash bag for garbage, a box for giving to good will, or a shopping bag to load up for dry cleaner. At the end of 60 seconds take the bag out to trash, the box or shopping bag to trunk of car.

Day Seven: Repeat any of the first six assigments in six-60 second continuous increments OR do one assignment for 6 minutes in a row! 60 seconds 6 times...just 6 minutes. Report in on the blog what you have found out about yourself this week.

Be encouraged,


Watch for a vlog on my facebook page this week!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week One: For the Next 60 Days...

Welcome Campers! (You'll want to print out each week's blog and put in your journal.)

You are entering a Boot Camp that is designed to call you to higher standards--physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally, as well as challenge you to ask more of yourself, and ultimately deliver the results you desire for yourself over the next 60 days. The last 30 days of our quarter will be maintenance. Yes, so often we achieve our goal then relapse or back track. Not this time. You just need to adhere to the daily assignment--one journal entry every day. I will randomly add vlogging (video logs) to visually encourage you along the way. (They can be retrieved on my facebook site initially, but you will be given a link when they are newly posted.)

Day One: For the next 60 days, please kneel by your bed either as soon as you get up or right before you get into bed at night. Non-negotiable. Just a sign of you dependence on God and your humility before Him. 60 seconds or less. Just talk to Him daily--whatever is pressing. Thank Him often. Day One to Sixty. This is one of only a few assignments that will be required daily.

Day Two: Breathe in Holy Spirit and breathe out anxiety, anger, or fear. At any point during the day when you are upset or confused or disappointed or afraid, before saying or doing anything else, whisper the words (and follow with a deep breath in), "I breathe in Holy Spirit, I breathe out...(whatever it is that is frustrating or hurting you)." This is optional, but a suggested practice during the following 59 days.

Day Three: Define Your Greatest Need or Your Most Self-Destructive Behavior at this moment in your life. One Word. (Example: money, discipline, anger, etc.)

Day Four: Choose a scripture for the next 60 Days that addresses your need or habit. Plan to memorize, hold onto, find strength from it over the next 57 days. Today, either ask the Lord to give you a verse or choose one that you have always found gives you hope or encouragement. (Ex: Ephesians 3:20, Acts 20:24, Phil. 4:6-8, etc.)

Day Five: Post your verse on the blog. In addition, write or print it out and post/place/stick it in three different places: purse, car, bathroom mirror, bible, etc. Give yourself every opportunity to see it many times each day. Begin to hear God speaking it to you for the next 56 days.

Day Six: Finish this sentence in your journal, "From now on..."

Day Seven: Journal an answer to the following questions: "What has God said to me this week? How did He speak? Who do I know it was God? How did I respond to God?

Here we go!

Be encouraged,


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting Started

This quarter will be more intensive than previous quarters. Each day during the first 60 days, you will be given an assignment--60 ways in 60 days to change your life in little ways and see big results. Please keep a 60 day calendar. Note: I will post 7 days of questions and/or action steps each week on Wednesday morning. Our calls will usually be on Wednesday at noon PST. Please keep a journal! And plan to record your results for all to see/read. Why? Accountability is the only way to sustain change.

Our 60 Day Boot Camp begins after the holiday--on July 7. Get your journal and calendar picked out!

Are you ready?
