Tuesday, August 24, 2010


First of all, TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS! First, we have a new call in number, please be sure to check your email from FREE CONFERENCE for that number (or call Reggie at 800.444.6189) before noon PST this Wednesday. Second, I am reviving DIMDIM for those who want to be on the live call and see me! I won't be able to see you, but you can see and hear me if you are on a computer with a camera--otherwise the phone call in will work as usual. (SEE PREVIOUS POST AND FOLLOW LINK TO SIGN UP.) Of course, we'll evaluate and see if we can use one system for calls and video, but for now, we'll follow the path of least resistance:)!

This week is our last week of Boot Camp, where you'll be given 7 days of assignments. When we enter September, you will receive one assignment each week, so give this week a good push and post daily!

Day One: Review--what was the easiest/best physical activity of the Boot Camp and why?

Day Two: Evaluate--what did I learn about myself in the last six weeks (IN ONE SENTENCE)?

Day Three: Meditate--what did God confirm or say to me throughout the last 6 weeks?

Day Four: Commit--who will/can be my Accountability partner in the next month?

Day Five: Admit--what area of my life needs to be my main focus of improvement?

Day Six: Determine--will I continue to kneel and pray for 30 more days--why or why not?

Day Seven: Dream--what must I never let go of believing until I see?

Let's end Boot Camp with a great CAMP FIRE CHAT!

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week Seven: Dive In!

Camp is almost over and let's say you've been sitting on the side of the pool each day, not wanting to get wet or cold. But the camp counselor is making you DIVE IN (that would be me) and just do it!

This week, I want you to tackle those things in your life--that are very visible that just aren't fun--so you procrastinate or ignore them, and yet they "bug" you as they pile up or create chaos in your life or anxiety in your mind. It's time to DIVE IN on 10 minute tasks:

Day One: Mail Center -- How does it look/work in your home? Reorganize and "clean up"; advise family of new plan.

Day Two: Workspace -- Clear off any trash, cups, junk mail, and dust, straighten, sort.

Day Three: Car Trunk -- Be sure you have an emergency kit in your trunk (flash light, blanket, tennies, cash).

Day Four: Kitchen Counter -- Put out fresh sponges, windex the appliances, and clear the clutter from summer snacks, etc.

Day Five: Bathroom -- Throw out ALL old makeup (it very likely is carrying bacteria if older than 3-6 months).

Day Six: Attack a Pile -- Your choice of a magazine, mail, or desktop pile; eliminate and concentrate

Day Seven: Repeat one of the above tasks that most needs your attention.

Be encouraged!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week Six: You Have to Do Different to Be Different

This week's theme is DOING DIFFERENT in order to BE DIFFERENT.

NOTE: This week WILL BE just like football camp--we're going to push ourselves with "TWO-A-Days" (meaning 2 things to do each day), but I'll be easy on you. Your daily assignment will be non-negotiable. Your second assignment will be YOUR CHOICE of any assignment from a previous day--ideally a physical challenge, but you can choose from the emotional or spiritual challenges as well. Of course, Boot Camp requires that you kneel once a day IN ADDITION to any other assignment. (Remember, we are working under the premise that changing (or developing) a habit takes a minimum of 60 Days!

Day One: NO more Blaming. Who do you blame for what? In your past or present.
Day Two: NO Excuses. What is your most often used excuse? (Ex: Too busy, too tired, etc.)
Day Three: NO Comparing. What or who is your greatest temptation to compare with...? Why?
Day Four: NO Defensiveness. What or Who gets/makes you defensive? Why?
Day Five: NO Complaining. What is your most common, verbal complaint? How can you use it less often?
Day Six: NO Condemning. What is one word you MUST eliminate from your vocabulary?
Day Seven: NO Worrying. What is your greatest worry? Every time it pops into your head, tell it to go away and pray!

On your mark, get set, GO! (More to come in the "live" call.)

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week Five: Journal Entries to give you a Jump Start

This week, we are going to move from physical activities, to emotional ones! Both are difficult--they require that we resist any laziness or procrastination and do those things that will help us to become healthier inside and out.

Your daily assignments this week will be to answer seven questions (one each day) that are designed to (1) increase your awareness to the aspects of your life that still need to change, (2) inspire new thoughts about how to change them, and (3) require that you be transparent and honest with our group. Changing IN FRONT of others is the quickest way to change. Note: I didn't say it was painless, just quicker:)!

Day One: What is one TRUTH and one LIE that you believe right now?
Day Two: What is one MUST and one WON'T that you are committed to doing?
Day Three: What is one thing you LIKE and one thing you DISLIKE that is helping you change?
Day Four: What one thing irritates you about yourself--a personality trait or a habit?
Day Five: What characteristic do you LOVE about yourself?
Day Six: What or who gives you comfort?
Day Seven: What is a dream in your heart that won't go away?

All I'm asking of each of you is to write a one-sentence answer on the blog--if you choose to include further exploration and explanation, you are welcome to do so.

As we make little changes in our own lives, we can learn from each other, find comfort in sorrows, and encourage the one who is struggling, knowing we might be next.

Be encouraged!
