Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week Seven: Dive In!

Camp is almost over and let's say you've been sitting on the side of the pool each day, not wanting to get wet or cold. But the camp counselor is making you DIVE IN (that would be me) and just do it!

This week, I want you to tackle those things in your life--that are very visible that just aren't fun--so you procrastinate or ignore them, and yet they "bug" you as they pile up or create chaos in your life or anxiety in your mind. It's time to DIVE IN on 10 minute tasks:

Day One: Mail Center -- How does it look/work in your home? Reorganize and "clean up"; advise family of new plan.

Day Two: Workspace -- Clear off any trash, cups, junk mail, and dust, straighten, sort.

Day Three: Car Trunk -- Be sure you have an emergency kit in your trunk (flash light, blanket, tennies, cash).

Day Four: Kitchen Counter -- Put out fresh sponges, windex the appliances, and clear the clutter from summer snacks, etc.

Day Five: Bathroom -- Throw out ALL old makeup (it very likely is carrying bacteria if older than 3-6 months).

Day Six: Attack a Pile -- Your choice of a magazine, mail, or desktop pile; eliminate and concentrate

Day Seven: Repeat one of the above tasks that most needs your attention.

Be encouraged!



  1. How uncanny this week's assignment is for me. My desk is a mess and I have stuff in 3 different rooms of the house. Tonight when I was looking for something, I told myself, "Ok, first thing in the morning you are going to tackle the desk." I guess I will be getting wet.

  2. I want to get started on time this week. Am still playing catch up from other week.
    love you guys

  3. I have a funny story to share... You know I have been listening to the audio book "Too Much" He talked about cleaning out everything under my bed so I did. Well, all these years, I thought my wedding dress was sealed in a box under our bed. No dress. So, I thought, it has got to be somewhere around this house...maybe under the couch or in the guest room...Didn't take the time to look yet. So listening again to the book at the gym, he was talking about getting rid of boxes in the attic and why in the world do we save boxes? So, yesterday, I started to tackle the boxes in the attic because our recycle stuff is picked up on Wed. Well, lo and behold, under a pile of old boxes and suitcases was my wedding dress box. It has been in our attic, NOT climate controlled mind you, for 13 years! I was beside myself. How did that happen? It must have been placed there by our movers and I never noticed. I am almost afraid to unseal the box - it is filthy on the outside. NOW, I see how important it is to know what I have and to get rid of all this clutter in our house!! Thank you Becky that we are "Jumping In" this week!

  4. Well I tackled the desk today with the inbox top priority. I only got my feet wet. I waded in the pool sort of trying to get comfortable with the coldness of the water. I have waited so long to get to the water (clutter on desk) I just needed to ease into this. It wasn't as bad as I had thought and the 10 minutes turned into an hour or so. At the end of the wading I felt more in control, less anxious and the bugs weren't around anymore. The water actually felt good. By the end of the week I hope to get my face wet (complete system in place). I think I need an instructor, I really don't know how to swim.

  5. Hey Robbie, I need to learn to swim, too! And Mickey, just keep at it. I got behind and am just about caught up. You can do it!!!!
    Hugbear I so live your wedding dress story. I am so disorganized, but am working at change.
    I'm still working on the mail center. This has been an issue with my husband and I, but I don't want to use that as an excuse to do nothing. A couple of years ago I bought a cute metal hanging file thingy that was adorable. I made files for each family member and one for bills. Well, something did not get paid and my hubs said he hated it and wanted all of the mail no matter who it was to on the table. The only problem is he travels 90% of the time so I was getting quite a pile, then he would come hone and he would be tired to look at the mess. So I'm trying to figure out a way that would make both of us happy. I would be open to any suggestions. Isn't it funny that something so simple can be such an issue.

  6. The mail center was no problem, but the desk! It's a catchall for every paper I do not immediately put in its right place. It took me 1 1/2 hours and I feel SO great! Finally a clear space to actually USE as a desk! And my wastebasket is full--why don't I toss things out right away?

    Kimberly, you make me think--how will I keep it this way? What is my system? I need to look at that--especially the next time I go to plop stuff down in the middle of the desk.

    Thinking of you all...find the joy in all this...

  7. love all the posts--here is a thought: put a big yellow construction with a smiley face on/in the center of your desk with a little caption, "File, pitch, but no piles here!"


  8. I meant to say, construction paper, colored paper, construction paper, oil cloth, collage...

  9. Robbie,
    just now getting around to answering a question from a few weeks back. My picture that was on the blog was from The Renaissance Festival from 2009. The festival goes on all summer long with jousting and mostly an excuse for people to get drunk and hang out all over. That was the first and last time I would ever go to it. My sisters daughter wanted to go so we went together. Need to get back to the assignments now.

  10. "this is the air i breath"
    Song reminder to Breath in Holy Spirit.

  11. Hi All: I'm back.
    My ten minutes have turned into much more than ten minutes.
    Reason being, my computer has been down all week long.
    Just got it back.
    The easiest way to catch up around the house?
    Spend a week without the PC.
    Can wait to read what's been going on here.

  12. Glad to have you back Laura. I spent 3 months without a car a couple of years back, I had to plan carefully. I spent a lot of time at home and less running around.
    I am done with the desk and off to load my backpack with goodies for the car. I was in such a up mood today, like there was zip in my step. Mickey, nice to see your darling face, with no noose around it. rhm, great ?'s for all of us. The sign reminds me of when I was a young mother and didn't know what to do I would write big signs all over the house to educate me. Things like: "Feet on the floor" "Not Now" etc. I decided to print it out on the computer and put it in a nice frame. I will let you know at the end of camp if it helped. (I am sure it will). Just looking at this neat, clean desk is uplifting.

  13. Wow, I need to catch up last week and do those posts. This week, like I said, I was already on the road to the pool since I didnt have a computer to work on all week.
    I really did some things I havent done in awhile, mostly tossing things out. I guess today was Car Trunk day, but we dont have anything in there except a bag with umbrella, flashlight, tire pressure gauge and rain cloak thing. No junk or clutter in the car, never was one to put anything in there.
    Well, The sad part of it all is, my husband said I am more relaxed and happy when I am not doing my computer jobs.
    Yeah, I feel that way too.......
    And yesterday my CPA called and told me all the little jobs I have taken on, require me to pay state sales tax even though they are out of state. And they also require me to get a business license. More stress, more money out and all I was trying to do is make a little on the side.
    sigh sigh.
    Cant win. Maybe pool time should result in a big yard sale and taking things to consignment.
    That doesnt take a license!

  14. Laura, there is a lot of truth in getting rid of excess. Yard sales, ebay, craigslist, consignment. Go for it, dive in, get wet.
    Kitchen day: cleaned out the drawer that everything on the counter goes into to keep my house looking clean but really it is just in the drawer. Found all kinds of things. I went thru all my piles of receipts, logged them into the computer, and filed them. At the end of the day their was one receipt that I really wanted to find since it was for a bag full of stuff I wanted to return to the store. I thought maybe it was in the bag since I hadn't found it anywhere else, no not there. I prayed Lord please help me find that receipt, I have been so responsible today and it would be nice if you could reward me with that receipt. I walked into the house from the garage and into my husbands office where I picked up a stand up paper clip. The receipt was in an envelope in the paper clip. Sort of starred at me all day. Ok, Lord I promise to ask for your guidance at the beginning of the project not the end. Today, I swam, it sure felt good.

  15. Robbie and Laura,
    I just love your faith and belief that GOD hears you and answers. I just realy strugle with trusting GOD.

  16. Mickey, just this morning, I was reflecting on how much praying and reading the CYL bible has strengthened my security in God, that he is my sustainer, rejuvenator, security, and guide. I have been a prayer warrior for years, but the combination of written prayer and listening for his voice in the form of the bible has grown me leaps and bounds. Last year I flew to Atlanta to see my daughter and hear Becky speak. That weekend started me on a journey that has slowly changed how I think, act, and believe. God longs for us to believe him, that he is enough. We all struggle at times. Mickey, I am glad you are in this group and I will pray for you and all of us to believe who God says he is.

  17. A speaker I enjoy listening to was talking about making a thirty day effort to bring something to God that really needs healing in our lives. I know I have a few issues like that.
    So, I am incorporating the kneeling prayer, the CYL daily reading, sermons at church and other things I am reading and doing (including here) and of course, God is making everything work together. The same issues are coming at me from every direction, and this group is no exception.
    It's a real faith struggle for me too.
    My notes on all of this are so meaningful that I am having a hard time remembering to sit down and journal them all.
    So, Mickey and Robbie I think we're all on the right track (I know we are), but for myself at least it really means *thinking* and journaling things down.
    I expect to see changes in thirty days and at the end of this quarter as well!

  18. Well, didnt do as much of this for this week, but I did a lot of this last week.
    The week since the last call has been spent catching up the stuff left behind when the computer got sick.
    I'm going to have quite an end of the month ahead of me too. We filed tax extensions due to lack of income (CPA charges a lot!) and now we need to get the paperwork done. I'll be researching and pulling receipts for the rest of the month and two weeks into Sept. plus working my little jobs.
    So, I'll still be at camp....but I'm gonna be tired!
