Tuesday, August 24, 2010


First of all, TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS! First, we have a new call in number, please be sure to check your email from FREE CONFERENCE for that number (or call Reggie at 800.444.6189) before noon PST this Wednesday. Second, I am reviving DIMDIM for those who want to be on the live call and see me! I won't be able to see you, but you can see and hear me if you are on a computer with a camera--otherwise the phone call in will work as usual. (SEE PREVIOUS POST AND FOLLOW LINK TO SIGN UP.) Of course, we'll evaluate and see if we can use one system for calls and video, but for now, we'll follow the path of least resistance:)!

This week is our last week of Boot Camp, where you'll be given 7 days of assignments. When we enter September, you will receive one assignment each week, so give this week a good push and post daily!

Day One: Review--what was the easiest/best physical activity of the Boot Camp and why?

Day Two: Evaluate--what did I learn about myself in the last six weeks (IN ONE SENTENCE)?

Day Three: Meditate--what did God confirm or say to me throughout the last 6 weeks?

Day Four: Commit--who will/can be my Accountability partner in the next month?

Day Five: Admit--what area of my life needs to be my main focus of improvement?

Day Six: Determine--will I continue to kneel and pray for 30 more days--why or why not?

Day Seven: Dream--what must I never let go of believing until I see?

Let's end Boot Camp with a great CAMP FIRE CHAT!

Be encouraged,



  1. I found that doing the situps for 1 minute was the easiest. hahaha! It was when I tried to increase to 2 that it got painful! Seriously it made me stop and think that I need to take it slowly. Not so slow that it does not help me get healthier, but not so fast that it is not good for me.

  2. The task of following a set pattern was easiest for me. I am a rule follower, so when Becky tells us to do something on day one I do it and look forward to what ever the next day's assignment is. When on my own, the exercise department falls apart. I do best walking and talking whether with a buddy or calling someone. I have not ventured out to other exercise but would like to at some point. Possibly joining a gym or taking a class.

  3. week 8/d1
    I liked the squats on a chair. and of course walking and talking with a friend. I never thought of calling someone then going on a walk with the phone. I am promed also by the assignments .... this 60days for some reason was chalanging to keep up with. School starting...getting back to work and adjusting to new schedules has been hard. I enjoyed all the promps to clean and get orgonized.

    Beth ,
    how are you doing??????? hope all is going ok.

  4. Mickey, it is hard to keep up with everything. My school doesn't start back up until October.
    Thinking about Wanda & Beth; both back to teaching. Miss you, your wonderful insights and gifted writing. You are in my prayers.

  5. Walking is what I am most consistent at.
    Still need to get out a book I have to work on some problem aches and pains. I'm trying to have a shoulder impingement (almost frozen shoulder) and need to work on the exercises in a really nice book I found. I cant afford physical therapy, but the book has physical therapy exercises.
    And btw, my husband has a bad habit of grabbing his cell phone, walking out the door and pacing up and down the street when he talks. I cant locate him half the time!
    I suggest letting people know where you are headed!

  6. W8-D2
    Learned that I give up to quickly. Need to work harder on not giving up so easly.

  7. This will be quick...I am leaving in the a.m. to deliver our son to Colorado College and I have been a little distracted. I will continue with last weeks clean up. I like the idea of the emergency kit in the car - thank you Becky. For this week, I have not listened to the call...yesterday was the first day of school for my other 2 children and I was out at carpool. But, I will try to answer: day 1 the easiest exercise for me was the squats. I can do that even in front of the computer while I am waiting for downloads etc.
    What I have learned about myself? I do better with a schedule than without. I tend to wander and get distracted unless I really make a plan.
    In meditating, God has really spoken to me about the root of a problem in my marriage. He gave me the root "word" 2 days ago and it has been confirmed by scripture and conversations. The Psalms these last 4 days have really, really spoken to me from your "Change Your Life" Bible. I am ready "to let go" in and "let God"! I ask you all for prayer as the Spirit leads this weekend for me, my son and my husband. Thank you so much!

  8. I have learned about myself that I need a plan for everyday.

  9. and that I thrive with assignments to complete.

  10. What I learned about self in the last 6 weeks: That if I take time to think, reflect and write things down (thanks to Becky's suggestions for us all), God *is* speaking to me after all.

  11. Confirmation: prayer through fasting and knelling has power to let God be in charge not me. Romans 12:2 "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." This week I had a conflict with a family member and told it to a friend of mine, she gave me strong advice to handle it according to her personality. I felt myself influenced by her comments (which in her family might have worked) they did not work in my family in fact, things got worse. On my knees I went and brought this all to our Lord for his direction. I am confident that God will answer my prayer according to his will. Over and over again he reminds me that I can trust him and that he will take care of the changes I need to make.

  12. w8-d3 (week 8- Day3)
    HI hugBear and Robbie and Laura and hope everyone else is around the fire tonight.
    d3- Meditate what did God confirm or say to me throughout the last 6 weeks?

    My scripture is Ezekiel 37:5
    I am going to BREATHE into you and make you live again.

    so I believe GOD has .... when I did the exercize of " Breathing in the Holy Spirit that I am living again.

    Also, the other scripture that I have been reading everyday is Galations 5:22
    when the Holy Spirit controls your life
    will produce this kind of fruit in you:
    love.joy. peace. patience. kindness. goodness. selfcontrol. gentleness. faithfulness.

  13. keep praying;
    Holy Spirit control my life. When I BREATHE in I believe the holy spirit is coming in and when I breathe out. I try to pretend that all the mean words leave me. Breath in love. breath out hate. one word at a time. I still have a lot of BREATHING in the Holy Spirit . But yes its a start. Well, I don't want to let the fire burn out ... want to go to sleep now...I just love the smell of smoke at a camp fire. Good night.

  14. Day three: God has been confirming and saying to me that He is the one in charge of my ministry and my purpose in life.
    No one else can decide it for me, only Him.
    I just need to be obedient to follow Him and, to stop boxing Him in.
    Last night I caught myself saying, "I could never do that...."
    But He said not to be telling Him what I can or cannot do!

  15. Mickey, We are all at the fire, haven't checked out yet, tears are welding up in my eyes, not from the smoke... but the sweet words coming from you. God is in our presence I can feel the Holy Spirit pouring out love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, selfcontrol, gentleness, and faithfulness. Mickey, wish I was not on the other side of the camp fire so I could give you a hug.
    Dear Lord, Thank you for how you touch us with your sweet spirit, thank you that you know what our needs are and you touch our very soul. Be with all of us as we drift off to sleep. Help us to retain all that you have taught us these last 6 weeks. Thank you for all these sweet sisters in Christ and our time together. I lift up Wanda and Beth who have started back to school give them balance and rest this weekend trying to juggle all the work and home life challenges. Thank you for getting Laura's computer back up running and give her your guidance and peace. Be with Hugbear this weekend as she takes her son to college. Give her comfort and your complete peace, give her wisdom and security in you. Help her remember to breathe in your holy spirit and out any anguish she has with her husband. You know her situation and needs I trust in you taking care of her. Lord, so many good women in our group Bless them with your presence. Give your confidence to Kimberly and Kpaige, and Barb, fill them with your lovingkindness. It has been a long time since we heard anything from Sharon, Lord, fill her life with passions that won't go away. Thank you Lord for Mickey's sweet spirit and all that you are teaching her that we all are touched by her. Lord, guide Becky's article in More magazine, if it be your will open the doors needed to get it published that more women can come to know you and have courage to pursue their dreams. Holy spirit pour out on us, fill us that there is only you less of us and more of you. Remember all the ladies that I can't like Carol and Jean and R.. bless their life and help them make the changes you want for them. You are our King, our Lord, our Savior. We put our hope in you. Amen

  16. I still have not answered day 2!!! I'm really not sure what to write and can I put it in one sentence. I think I've learned that I wrongly try to limit God. Ok, I did it, one sentence, but still many things left unsaid. I'm biting my tongue. I will leave it with one sentence.

  17. Day 4, Accountability partners.
    This group, my best friend (for home upkeep, clutter etc) and an Internet friend for misc.
    Anyone from here is always welcome to email me as well!

  18. Hey Laura! I need an accountability partner. I have tried with a couple of people I know, but there has never been in accountability. That makes me laugh just writing it! :)

    Day 3 I have to say I became very overwhelmed in July. We had a family trip, then my husband announced we were moving and throught it all I felt very worthless and that I did not make a difference in anyone's life. It was to the point I did not want to pray about it. I did not talk about it. Then I opened a box that had some things I had not seen in years. In there was a bunch of letters from various stages of my life from high school and many years after. In most of the letters there was a comment that stated I had helped them. I'm not saying this to brag, just to share. It was like God was showing me that He does use me in peoples lives even when I least expect it. It was especially startling to see letters from my friend that died 13 years ago. I had mentioned that my letter that Becky had us write (and I was suppose to decorate) was to her mom, a woman I had never met. Then a few days after discovering the box I received a letter from Patti's Mom. Obviously still feeling the pain of loosing her child, but joy in knowing she will see her again. She updated me on Patti's children and ended the letter thanking me for remembering Patti. I'm crying now as I write this, because our Lord sends us 'I love yous' all the time. I get so caught up in my feeling of worthlessness and fear that often I don't look at them. And you know I am worthless without Him, but with Him I am a child of the King. I find this very overwhelming to comprehend. I love yall and appreciate your words on here and your prayers.

  19. Day 5: My biggest area of improvement still needs to be prayer, kneeling and otherwise.
    I am doing my nightly CYL Bible reading and keeping a journal Or two.
    My house is just plain nutsy in the am, so I may have to kneel the night before, giving God the next day.
    My hubby is a very very early riser, leaving me no quiet time in the morning. And as a person dealing with a case of fibromyalgia, minor but still very real, I do not do well in the morning. Definitely a night person.
    I know this runs into day six as well....so that's my answer!

  20. I am stumped with regards to the accountability partner. I will need to give this more thought. In what area do I want more accountability? Maybe that leads to the next question. Funny, I asked my husband last night what he saw as my biggest area of change needed. I guess I asked him incorrectly, because he just said your perfect the way you are. Well, he got a big kiss for that answer and I decided not to pursue the serious answer. In my opinion, my biggest area of improvement needs to be in organization and planning ahead. Today I was working on packing for a trip and couldn't find the bottoms of my jogging suit. I went thru the entire closet and then to my son's room thinking they got accidentally put in his drawer. Then I went back to my room and found them in the purse cubby hole. Ykks, I am so looking forward to making changes in the are of de-cluttering, organizing, and planning. Woo Hoo!

  21. w8/d4
    Commit who will or can be my accountability in the next month.
    Unsure about this also dido (Me too Robbie). um will get back to that.

    Oginzation and staying orgonized.
    Not flying off the handle with both my kids and bus kids. Had very difficult time with staying calm with a group of middle and High schooler how want to run the show. Well, my son need the computer so have to walk away from the warm fire tonight.

    Robbie, and Becky
    thank for the word of encouragement.

  22. If this rambles, well it is 1:00am and I tend to ramble anyway! Besides it fun to just talk at the camp fire!
    Well Laura is so kind to help me with the accountability.
    I need to work on my health/weight and getting my house organized. I always need to work on serving the Lord. It is just a constant.

    Also, please pray for my 13 year old daughter. She is having some severe ear pain. She has always had ear infections. They did tubes and removed adnoids 3 years ago and more tubes and removed tonsils 2 years ago at Thanksgiving. The holes in her ears have never healed. The infections have not been as much of an issue. Im not sure if ear pain is from infection or sinus/allegies. We just moved back to Texas could be stronger allergens. Her last Dr. said she would need to have cartlidge removed from the back of her ear and new eardrums reconstructed. Has anyone dealt with the recontruction part? I have prayed so often for healing of her ears or i would gladly take the problem if her ears could be healed. Thank yall for your prayers.
    Im going to try to get some sleep. Love to yall!!!

  23. Since I already combined Day 5, and 6 on to Day 7.
    Well, my dream seems to be so confusing.
    I feel gifted to teach, write or lead a group but always end up in confusion with this.
    Though I did this years ago, when I tried the second time, some not so Biblical things happened in my church. Now it seems I am carrying the weight of the situation, and though I constantly try to give it to God it still has left wounds.
    I met with someone today who told me to keep pursuing whatever God called me to do. And not to let any opinion of 'man' get in the way. So, I know it's Jesus' ministry, behind my dream.
    I just dont know exactly how to get there and I never quite seem to know where I belong exactly. And I'm a little concerned that people keep coming up with "Your ministry is on the Internet" when it also seems to be my biggest idol.
    Have a blessed day at camp.

  24. week 8/d6
    Yes, I will be determined to kneel and pray for the next 30 days.
    Why? becuse I want to hear from GOD. EVERYDAY.

  25. My review is as follows--
    1. I have been a failure at my physical activities. Walking is the only thing I do regularly. If it’s too hard—I quit.
    2. I’m learning that I can be scattered in my interests—need to stay focused and complete one project at a time.
    3. God said to me: I love you. Trust me. Be patient.
    4. Angela has been and will continue to be my accountability partner. One of the best’s gifts of the camp!
    5. Need to stay focused on the next focus/passion in my life—which relates to the dream in my heart.
    6. Will continue to kneel and pray daily. This has been the most powerful exercise for me.
    7. The dream is to be used in a powerful way to help children in need.

    I look forward to sitting around the campfire with you all!

  26. w8/d7
    A dream. I need to dream again. I am not sure right now.

    this has been fun talking around the campfire.

  27. A late night thought....
    My verse was:
    <20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,
    Eph 3:20 (NASB)>

    Did some more talking with God on dreams and ideas. Just realizing that if I serve Him first, He'll make use of it in job/home/church/neighborhood etc.
    Seek Ye first the kingdom of God....

    And if I give Him my "I Can'ts" or my "I Could Never...." He can work with that too.

  28. I will continue to kneel in prayer. I find it keeps me focused on God. I find my day stays focused.

  29. Kneeling: powerful connection with God my new, "from now on......."
    I will never stop believing that God will transform me to bring Glory to him. That a certain family member will come to know and want to serve our precious Lord and Savior.
    Gone a week, attending a live Christian Camp with most of my family. Son is missing, who is at college. Will miss you all.

  30. I have delayed posting my dream because I have let most of my dreams slip away. During our move I found lots of things I have written. Several times I found list of goals
    -finish college
    -become multilingual
    -write songs, books, poetry
    -become a teacher
    -become and eye doctor
    -be an actress and a model
    -lead bible studies
    -help other women and children
    -reach over a million for Christ
    -become Miss Texas
    These were listed at several times in several diffent journals. The eye doctor part came later after I started working for an eye dr.
    Some of them make me laugh:
    singing My husband says that he never heard anyone sing as badly as I sing.
    Ironman I dont own a bike and I never learned to swim.
    Some make me sad:
    I regret never finishing a degree. I let a relationship with a stupid guy end this dream. This also reflects on the teacher and eye doctor.
    I feel like some were fufilled.
    I did some acting and local modeling in college. Nothing major but enough to make me feel I can put a checkmark by it. I write some, but never share with anyone. I have helped some women and children. I intend to help more.
    The million for Christ seemed laughable when I wrote that many years ago. I have done a few mission trips and worked with children that I have been blessed to see them come to Christ. I also know that I can help others by supporting missions and my church.
    I just don't know where to go with my dreams at this time in my life. I will continue to pray that God will give me the dreams and remove the desires for the rest.

  31. Oh, I do want to share how God can fulfill a dream. I really wanted to be Miss Texas or at least represent a city in the contest. I entered a few of the local contests but never won. Stopped entering when the stupid guy I mentioned earlier came into my life. Never thought much about it again. This past February I went to a ladies retreat with a Texas theme. The speaker, Wendy Pope, talked about our dreams and how God had a way of making them happened when you least expect it. Later in the weekend we had a Texas trivia contest which I won. (I lived in Wisconsin at the time) They crowned me Miss Texas. God is good!
