Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 11: Spiritual Growth Time!

I've noticed that you all do better with daily, versus weekly, assignments. You need to be pushed by your camp counselor, or you wander off!

This week, I encourage you to have a time of spiritual growth--our church calls it SEEK WEEK!

Consider Kneeling Prayer as a Lifestyle.

Consider reading the CYL Daily Bible everyday this week--just 15 minutes a day.

Record your conversations with God. Ask God daily, "What are you saying to me?" Write down your thoughts.

Write out your testimony to date in 3 paragraphs: my life before I came to Christ, how I came to know Christ personally, and what God is doing in my life right now.

Post the final paragraph.

Be encouraged,



  1. Becky,
    Still waiting for your thoughts on yoga...good idea or worshipping false gods?

  2. I attend some yoga classes--I look at the class description before diving in. I choose those without "commentary" and those that are athletic (stretching and balance) and include fun or contemporary versus eastern music selections. I attend yoga CORE classes for example, but not more traditional offerings. I would also be comfortable leaving a class if I wasn't comfortable.

  3. I really liked this week's call (had to listen twice).
    I was pondering Seek Week, and our BSF lecture this week, which was based on encountering God.
    Many of you sweet ladies have prayed for our finances. I'm happy to say, last week we won a legal situation (our mortgage company committed a fraudlent act against us). Anyway, we won but the money isn't here or available. So, we're struggling to pay bills this month, but we know the money is coming!
    All that made me think...
    God, His Word and the Holy Spirit are available to us all the time. We don't have to wait for Heaven, we don't have to live like we're flat broke!
    The nuggets are in the Word waiting to be mined out. The presence of God is there, waiting for us to meet with Him. The Holy Spirit is living within, and able to guide us every day.
    We're not waiting for the riches, we have them now.
    And the more I work at my part time jobs, and keep pouring over junk mail that supposedly tells you how to make riches quickly, the more I realize that the real "social" security, is the security God offers.
    The whole boot camp has surely convicted me that God is working, God is using me and God has incredible things available to me. Every journal entry confirms the same message.
    Now Lord, help me to spend the time with You, and help me rest in the riches which You offer.

  4. Laura, I hope you take this post and put it somewhere where you can read it again and again. Such beautiful truths. God was certainly talking to you. Thank you for your rich thoughts.

  5. Before I came to Christ I as stuggling out of control with anxiety, stress, and worrry about my child, my marriage, and my education profession. Most of my time was spent with these feelings so that it was like acid reflux.

    How I cam to Christ is when a former student shared the change your life bible and principles with me. An adult now with similar emotions we remain in contact and she shared with me how her life changed when she recommited to Jesus through the cya principles of commitment to God.

    What is God doing now...he is calming, smoothing, and clearing my mind and heart so that though my child, family, and school situations are not "gone" but that they are easy to accept and work through with my reading, learning, and serving through God's promises.

  6. God is transforming me to be more concerned about HIS Kingdom than my comfort. He daily speaks to me directing my day. He is giving me hope, peace, comfort and direction. He changes my perspective to be more aliened to his. To want the things that he wants.
    In the CYL bible, just this morning, Eph 1:17 ..I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God." What encouragement this is to me. God gives me all I need and more. God gives me HIS power. AMEN Praise God.

  7. Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I have been traveling for the past month and didn't have my Google pass word with me so I could post(2 weeks for fun and 2 weeks for business). I have been listening to the call backs and this is what gets me through the rough roads that I sometimes need to travel. Isaiab 42:16 - I will lead the blind on their journey: by paths unknown I will guide them. I will turn the darkness into light before them, and make crooked ways straight. These things I do for them and I will not forsake them.

  8. Carol, that says it all doesn't it! Glad that you were able to hear the call backs.

  9. Mickey where are you. Miss hearing from you.

  10. Sorry I am late in posting what God is doing in my life right now:
    He is refining me in the furnace. He is purifying me to reflect His image. He is changing my heart. He is teaching me to trust Him and is helping me to relax about my family. He is teaching me to slow down and listen to Him. He is giving me eyes to see.

  11. Hi Yall! I apologize for being late, too. It's great to see yall and read your posts. Very inspiring!
    My life before Christ is strange in that I cant remember a time where I did not love Him or belive that He is Lord. I 'walked the aisle at 11 years old and was baptized. I talked to people about Jesus. I wore tshirts about Jesus. I wrote notes about Jesus with the plan of salvation and would drop them in the hall of my junior high. Yet I had doubts. I tried to talk to my youth pastor and he told me it was normal to doubt. Years later I talked to the singles minister at my church and he laughed at me. I would go over the plan of salvation and think 'I'm a Christian' but I knew something was not right. I had a fear of death that could be described as a phobia. I would physically become ill at thinking of death. One day in Church, June 2000 my pastor starting talking about how hard it is to reach the kids who grew up in the church. I was thinking I was like that. All of a sudden it was like I was the only one in the room. I dont remember what the pastor said, but I know the Lord was telling me to take care of this now! So I went home and asked God to show me crystal clear if I was a Christian. I decided to do what I would tell anyone to do if they wanted to know the Lord. I went thru the plan of salvation. I prayed. I read the bible. I could not sleep, I kept praying and finally that Wednesday I sent an email to my pastor. I did not expect to hear from him. He traveled a lot and we attend a megachurch so there is bunches of people and things to attend. I think less than 5 minutes my office phone buzzed and I was told he was on the phone. I answered and started apoolgizing, and he stopped me. He just told me let's get this settled, now. He said all I had to do was ask God to be boss of my life and He would. So I hung up the phone, kneeled in my office and prayed. I knew this was different. I called my husband and told him. I went to one of my friends who worked for me and told her.
    Life has not been a bowl of cherries, but I have a peace that I have never had before. The fear of death is gone, from that moment I kneeled in prayer.
    Now I feel that He is refining me. I make many mistakes and like Paul says so much better, do things I know I should not do or want to do. But, everyday I learn to rely on Him more. I love the Lord and like Lydia feel like he has opened my eyes! I know he has plans for me and now I am focusing on getting myself healthy not for my glory but for His.
