Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 12: Putting it all together!

The physical, emotional, and spiritual goals that we set for ourselves (and more specifically that God orchestrates in our lives) will fall apart for any of us if we are not good time managers.

My oft quoted phrase for each of the LCBR groups is "if we fail to plan, we plan to fail." In essence, planning is the key to implementing our "to do" lists. If we don't take (or make) time to plan, we'll not fulfill our dreams or finish our race successfully. Why? Because we've missed something important or neglected to focus on our (you can almost hear me say this before I say it...) "MOST IMPORTANT NOW.'

CAMPERS...this is our last week of camp. What do you still need to do that you set out to do 12 weeks ago? What did you achieve? How did you achieve it? What didn't you achieve that you wanted to achieve? Why didn't you achieve it? Planning one day in advance, one week at a glance is going to get you where you want to go! (Next quarter is Pray, Plan, Play -- over 3 months, we'll begin with 5 minutes of each a day and work our way up to 20/20/20! To join the 4th quarter, click here.)

Next week, there will be no MORE assignments, just YOUR camper stories...come prepared to share a great memory from the quarter. Better yet, share a lesson learned that will help us all.

Be encouraged,



  1. Hi All: Sorry to see this phase of bootcamp end. Really went by quick!
    Wanted to post that what I achieved was gaining a lot of useful information from all the questions we asked ourselves. I've termed it Seasoned Thinking. My thoughts have been impacted and changed because of this quarter's assignments.

    I still have much more of a sense of what I think I am supposed to do for God, than I do of exactly how I am going to get there.
    But I've been able to toss away some things that are not important (hindrances) and focus on those that are. I have a long way to go, but I'm heading in the right direction. I've been able to see God at work as He has been directing me into a new ministry opportunity and I can see things coming together. However, it is not an immediate thing. Patience required!

    An author I like said it's not a good idea to have too many eggs in too many baskets. With all my little part time jobs, I do feel scattered and a bit without direction during the day.
    So, along with focusing on kneeling prayer and daily time with God, I need to map out my day more than I already do, allowing time for things other than just work. I'm also praying He will narrow my jobs down a bit and place me into the ones He really wants me to have.
    Thank you Becky for another fantastic quarter, and ladies for your input and sharing.

  2. This quarter I have focused on praying and planning. Consistent with each, my life has improved. However, I have found that my prayer and planning mind has still allowed small negativities enter my life. It seems I cannot shake or swat these off. So, my prayers need to continue. Thank you for a great quarter!

  3. Boot Camp has been so helpful in getting me on the right path. It is hard to narow it down to one aspect of Boot Camp that has helped me most because I have got so much out of the whole experience. The weekly live calls are a highlight of my week and I really enjoy attending. I check the blog on Wed. mornings to see what our next assignments will be and try to focus on them throughout the week as I go through my daily activities at work and home. I try to keep practicing them until they become a good habit.The blog site helps me to keep from getting frustrated with my progress when I see that others struggle with the same problems and have some great ideas for dealing with then. I still backslide and have a long way to go. My weak area is not always eating healthy. Most of the time I do great with this but about once or twice a week I will go on a sugar binge so therefore I am not losing the weight I want to lose. I am within 10 pounds of my goal and stuck there. Another weak area is skipping my Bible readings and not spending a set amount of time with God on days when I am crazy busy, which is about 2 or 3 days a week. This is what I ready need to focus on and will make a maximum effort to improve next quarter. Thank you very very much Becky. My live has improved greatly as a result of Little Changes Big Results.

  4. keep the Focus.
    through this boot camp I think the Focus and accountilbity has help so very much. and having a place to come each week and be with everyone even though we are not face to face.
