Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week Three: The 7 Questions to Ponder

Answer these questions, please:

Day 1: You are what you eat. What do you eat?
Day 2: You are what you read. What do you read?
Day 3: You are what you watch. What do you watch?
Day 4: You are what you love. What do you love?
Day 5: You are who you hang out with. Who do you hang out with?
Day 6: You are where you came from. Where did you come from?
Day 7: I am...Post your favorite "you are..." on our blog for all to learn more about you, camper!

(Next week: Musical chairs, kick the can, etc.)

Be encouraged,



  1. Happy Friday Campers!
    Just wanted to check in, no I wont answer the question of the week yet but I wanted to say how great this has been.
    I'm able to select the question of the day, and ponder it all day long and then really see what God is trying to tell me.
    You all have been supporting me through my struggles with dreams and goals, without judging or turning a deaf ear. And that has been so wonderful.
    I thank God for the week's lessons learned, and the introspection. It's just been ideal.
    And I'm glad I have a journal ready to really get the thoughts down!
    Hey, did you notice there are no pesky mosquitoes in this camp????? :-)

  2. Hi, Laura. wow...where did everyone go? Just checking in and wanted to share that my test is over! I will not know the results until 4 weeks, but I do feel good about it, and was much more prepared than last time. Thanks to those who prayed. I definitely felt the prayers!

    Everyone come back to camp meeting. I miss you! I don't think Becky meant to not post. And who said there are not any pecky mosquitoes...there are also annoying flies. (but not on this blog spot!!!)

  3. I miss the posting, too. It really made me feel connected to yall.

    Beth, I will keep praying while you wait for your test results. I know that sometimes that can be as stressful as taking the test.
    Laura, there are no mosquitos until I take the dogs out for their walks. Then they start the attack.! :]
    I am in the process of packing my house to move across the country. The one minute exercises have helped me. Of course I am packing for more than a minute, but when I feel overwhelmed (and start to feel week) I take one thing and take it for one minute then take a second to see the progress and keep going. I've also been setting timers for 1 hour or 30 minutes to see how much I can get done in one place in the time period. I have always been a pack rat. Everything seems to have good memories for me. So I started Praying 'Lord help me to want less things and the desire to give more.' And the Lord is answering my prayer. I've already taken 2 huge car loads to Goodwill. I cut my wardrobe in 1/2. And with everything I give away I feel a little lighter.
    I hope all of yall are having a great week!

  4. Back from wedding and took a peek at the blog. Some relatives have followed me home so I can't be in here long just a miss you all and the wedding was unbelievable. Felt like I was in a movie rather than my life. Yesterdays reading Romans 8:28 no fear or worry about tomorrow. God's lovingkindness. Great verses to carry one thru any thing. Wish I could post a picture. Talk to you tomorrow when I take the last guest to the airport. Lots of mosquitos at our camp but we had wipes. Funny the guests didn't know what the bug wipes were for until they started to get bitten and then everyone wanted to know where they could get the wipes. Very funny but effective. Thanks for praying for me. Quite effective I only lost it once when we were loaded to come home from the hotel and I had loaned out all of my cars and didn't have a ride home. My son came to the rescue and it turned out well. Love you all. Robbie

  5. Becky you told us on the call last week that you read Grace Notes. I wanted to buy it but there are multiple authors. Do you have the one by Yancy or Stoddard? I am doing good this week with the questions. I feel good about the answers in my journal. I will post (day 7) "you are..." on the blog.

    Kimberly are you moving accross the country east or west? I live in Ohio and it has really been HOT here. Saturday our heat index was 107 degrees and we still had those pesty mosquitoes here in our Ohio camp.

  6. I'm still here....not always able to be on the calls, but I always listen to the recorded version.

    I've done a couple of things since last week that I think have made a huge impact - I purchased a Bible application for my Iphone that I can use whenever I travel - I keep my Change Your Life Bible at work, so when I travel (like this past weekend), I'm kind of out of touch with my plan.

    Also, I did the 4 day "de-bloat" diet of the Flat Belly Diet program last week - more than anything to break my soda habit - when I took the quiz in the book, I was quite shocked to learn I was up to as many as 42 cans of Coke Zero in a week with weekends being the worst time. Also, I lost 3.8 pounds in those 4 days.

    So my discipline verse I've memorized (Heb 12:11) and the being accountable has really made some impact in my life.

    Becky-you are amazing - what an example you are to all of us! Thanks for all your "coaching".

  7. I'm inspired by you ALL. Robbie--congrats on making it through the wedding and still having time to update us! Delanie--great to see you post and congrats on weight loss on the FBD! I've been on it for almost 3 years--it's easy both at home and when traveling to stay on a healthy plan. Plus, I've had SODAbriety now since getting on it -- no bubbles, no bloat! As or Grace Notes, my devotional is written by Philip Yancey. And by all means, please EVERYONE post their "I am..." statement so we can get to know you better. Hurrah! Happy Monday. Becky

  8. My favorite "I am" is the "I am what I eat question" and since January 1, 2009, I've been working hard at that. I weighed in a 190 on that date and almost one year later, I was at 135. I've maintained now for almost 7 months. I had put on an extra 5 so that prompted me to do the Flat Belly Diet jump start to get off that weight. Now, I'm working on the water intake and eliminating soda from my diet. I'm very fit and get alot of exercise in each week, which is another reason I've been able to maintain. I really believe that I'm healthier now at almost 52 than I was in my 30's and 40's.

  9. Day 1: You are what you eat. What do you eat? SODAbriety! I love that. Actually, I am posting because I love all these questions! What I like is they speak to the idea your actions and your words must match. But they also lead me down a path that was more revealing...and is that who I want to be? was the whisper I heard in my ear! Some questions were so much easier...what do you eat, read, watch.
    Days what do you love, who do you hang out with, and where do you come from brought me to tears. As i have stepped out of an abusive relationship, I have worked to renew relationships that I had not sustained while dealing with my relationship with my husband. I come from a place where people welcomed be back. I was here, but because my husband was unhappy I didn't fully embrace who I was. It has been a powerful revelation for me. For a long time, I haven't been able to enjoy who I hang out, what I love and where I come from. Now, I am able to live in the light of all the blessings. I think I may make a list of these to evaluate how I live each day. Maybe at the end of the day answering variations. It goes straight to the heart of the issue. Personally, I'd like us to put together a master list of questions like this...they are laser focused accountability questions. If you are what you drink, what do you drink? If you are what you sing, what do you sing? If you are what you pray, what do you pray? If you are what you do, what do you do? If you are what you think, what do you think? If you are what you wear...get the idea? Well, thanks for this. I won't be doing this just once. This mirror works for me...

    Day 4: You are what you love. What do you love?
    Day 5: You are who you hang out with. Who do you hang out with?
    Day 6: You are where you came from. Where did you come from?
    Day 7: I am...Post your favorite "you are..." on our blog for all to learn more about you, camper!

  10. Ps. and when I answer the question, I've asked myself...do I like that answer. For example...if you are what you love, one of my answers was surfing on the internet. I didn't like that answer anymore. This question made me realize that I'd given the computer too much priority. I wanted my answer to be my kids! God! but my actions at that moment did not hold up to that answer. I've made some adjustments this week.

  11. How I love reading your posts I am about to listen to what you all have commented on but I am so tired I doubt I will make it back here tonight. My constant prayer over the last several months was that God would be glorified at the ceremony of my daughter. Well the day after the wedding July 25th the passage was just that. It was almost as good as Becky's fathers passage.
    Psalm 19
    1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
    The skies display his craftsmanship. (hot air balloons flew over the wedding)
    2 Day after day they continue to speak;
    night after night they make him known.
    3 They speak without a sound or word;
    their voice is never heard.[a]
    4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
    and their words to all the world. (full moon)
    God has made a home in the heavens for the sun.
 5 It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding.
 It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race.
 6 The sun rises at one end of the heavens
 and follows its course to the other end.
 Nothing can hide from its heat.
    7 The instructions of the Lord are perfect,
 reviving the soul.
 The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy,
 making wise the simple.
 8 The commandments of the Lord are right,
 bringing joy to the heart.
 The commands of the Lord are clear,
 giving insight for living.
 9 Reverence for the Lord is pure,
 lasting forever.

    Bridegroom, joy, instructions the marriage lasting forever. God is my rock and my redeemer. What a glorious feeling to hear God's voice. Goodnight, lights out campers. A new morning is coming.

  12. Thank you for sharing your love of God and for your families, as well as your unique situations. Each of these help me understand that I am not alone in struggles with each.

    My favorite 'I am" or "What do you love?" is What do you love?

    I love my faith (prayer and time with god), family (home and circle of frieneds, and future (profession).

    Unfortunately, on some days one or more of the other suffer. Recognizing that I love all of them I must make sure I spend time daily with each...and, even more than 60 seconds.

    Thanks for your encouragment, Pam

  13. I am going to do them all:
    I am a healthy eater, love cooking great food for my family and friends.
    I read D W Bible, books to deepen my faith, anything about health and nutrition. love a good novel (g rated only) but rarely read one.
    I rarely watch TV but do get a laugh at Clean House and watch Ruby every once in a while. She inspires me with her courage.
    I love God, family, friends. Without them life would have no meaning.
    I hang out with family and mostly christian friends. I have some friends who are elderly and those that God has put in my life that don't know him yet.
    You are where you come from. YKKS can't stand where I come from. I struggle with my roots except for the fact that if I wasn't a poor child I would never have gotten a scholarship to camp where Jesus told me he loved me. My entire life Jesus protected me. Adopted out late in life to a wonderful christian couple who then died then reconnecting to my family of origin. 2 Chronicles 19:11
    "Take courage as you fulfill your duties and may the Lord be with those who to what is right."
    Todays prayer to God was: did I do what was right having my crazy family to the wedding? They took up so much of my time that I had very few moments with my daughter. I have a lot of healing to do with regards to my biological family but God was telling me I did what was right having them there, that maybe thru what they were around they saw god. God gave me strength and patience in dealing with them.
    "Take courage" gave encouragement in a challenging arena.

  14. I am ...learning a lot about myself lately. I think now that I am 50, I finally know what I like and don't like. I am from Colorado and love those roots. Anything outdoors is what I like. I get aggitated if I am not outside for a certain amount of time each day. I love time with my family - especially dinners out together. I love good food in small amounts a luckily have never had to deal with weight issues...maybe because I have always been really active. I rarely watch tv except when my daughter has clean house on. I did down load the book (thank you Wanda!) "Too Much" and I have listened to it while I exercise. It is great, and I think that is what has happened to me this year. I cannot stand clutter anymore and I have cut my wardrobe in half and I have thrown out stuff from my 20's, 30's and 40's (thanks Laura). Little by little I am removing the shackles of clutter. I love to hang with my sisters in Christ and my family. I am thankful for this group...loved the 60 sec poem from Beth. Also, there was another book mentioned recently that I believe Micky said she had it in her stash but I can't find the name of it? Wanda, I love your bird family.
    And Robbie, all of your wedding planning and scripture the Lord is speaking to you...thank you all for sharing a little bit of you!

  15. KPaige: Wow, you said a lot. Thank you for sharing this with us. May God bless your path.
    Hugbear threw out old clothes...
    Yes, looking at some of my old stuff from a couple decades ago was scary.

    Well, my favorite question was on what I read.
    Of course, the Bible. But I started a Christian fiction series (the Mitford series) from Jan Karon). I havent been able to finish.
    I usually read only non-fiction, but this series is restful and Ms. Karon is a word-smith. The books are very soothing.
    So, the other day my husband said I was way less stressed when I used to read a lot.
    Hey, my mind was more engaged, my spelling was better etc etc. I used to check out five adult books per week from the library when I was about ten years old. I do miss my reading!

    As far as what I am: I am over zealous when it comes to Bible Study. I need to be over-zealous in my relationship with God.
    I tend to cause people at church confusion.
    If you can believe, I was put down from a ministry leader for being too enthusiastic about study. I know I need to balance it out with a real relationship--sitting and listening not just reading and studying.
    But I sure dont mean for people to think I am too passionate about study, or out to impress people (which I'm not).
    this probably makes sense to no one but me.....

  16. I am a Mississippi southern girl who loves quiet times on the front porch, reading my Bible, and watching the sun rise. I like to hang out with my family and watch my kids play.

    Usually, I am upbeat, positive, and very optimistic, but today I have been very emotional. Why is change and starting a new chapter in my life making me feel so sad? My youngest starts kindergarten next week, and my oldest will be a junior in high school. Not sure if that is making me feel so sentimental and teary eyed, or the fact that I will no longer be a stay at home mom. I have loved my time at home, but a job fell in my lap....a music teacher job. I did not even apply. The principal called me on Monday (and most of you know I took my music test last Sat. to get certified). It is a school where a lot of my friends are teachers, and I really know this is where God wants me. I was just hoping for another year at home, and I am feeling quite overwhelmed. I would appreciate your prayers!

    I was so encouraged by all the postings. Delanie...great job on losing the weight and keeping it off. I, too, was 190 two years ago, and lost down to 135. I have put 12 lbs back on, but have maintained it there. Also, got the flat belly diet and look forward to getting 10 lbs back off.

    Laura, I certainly understand what you mean about Bible Study. My Bible Study was becoming a conflict in my marriage last year, so after much prayer I decided to quit. I had to refocus on my relationship with God as being most important, not completing a Bible study.

  17. Hi all,
    This is my first time posting this quarter......I have been way far behind, but catching up!!! I will try to summarize as best as I can...........
    I have a fairly decent diet, mostly vegeatarian, lots of veges and fruit. I don't have any junk food in my house, which makes it alot easier to stick to my "diet". I feel like all I read are books on "how to"...how to be a better teacher, parent etc.... I wish I could read more for leisure and spiritual growth. Here's the hard part..........what I watch. I am a news junkie!!! Have been for a long time. I wish I could cut back, but I love news and politics. Now that summer is here, I have cut back some, but not enough.
    So that brings me to the next question.....what do I love? Current events, politics and news!!! (LOL)Double edge sword!!!
    I mostly hang out with my family.....hubby and kids and my kids friends parents. I also am in a bible study, but don't hang with them as much as I would like to.
    I grew up in Pittsburgh, but lived in New York City right after college and lived there for 26 years!! We recently moved to Colorado Springs in November '09. We love it here...not much NOT to love about CO. And the Springs is like a little spiritual heaven. Which we lacked in NYC. BUT I really miss the City....(miss all the GREAT food).
    I come from an alcoholic family.........well just my father. He was also a compulsive gambler.So you might say I come from a very addictive background. I have to watch that addictive behavior in my own life.
    Good to finally post!!!
    talk to you all tomorrow!!!!

  18. OK - is my summary. I am a midwestern Iowa woman with the typical midwestern work ethic. I like to read and like to have something to take care of. Since I am an empty-nester, I have a dog. I love to take trips to Kansas City to see my daughter and be around community of friends. I work too hard & too much & that takes away from my ability to relax & nurture both myself and other relationships. I tend to have some sort of wall around myself. All this said, I usually have the feeling that what I do is not "good enough" and I am always looking to do more.

    Day #1 What I eat: I am very cyclical in my eating. I go from eating very healthy to eating junk. I almost laughed out loud at supper tonight. We were out with friends at a local cafe, and I had a greasy breaded tenderloin with greasy french fries and a diet pop and I thought of the statement "I am what I eat" and I hated what I was putting in my body.

    Day #2 What I read: I do pretty good here. I read the Bible and have a goal of reading the whole thing. Other things I recently read are "Magnificent Obsession" by Anne Graham Lots, "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boon, Priscilla (don't have author but book about an early Christian woman - very good), and am currently reading "Secrets of the Secret Place" by Bob Sorge. Like someone else commented, I also spend too much time on e-mail and need to hold that in check.

    Day #3 What do I watch? On TV I watch mysteries such as NCIS, CSI and the Mentalist. The news. Game shows especially Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune. On the computer, I watch the prayer room from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.

    Day #4 What do I love? This was a hard one for some reason. I love spending time with family, especially my daughter in Kansas City. I love my dog. I can't think of other examples such as the bread example Becky used.

    Day #5 Who do I hang out with? I'm pretty reserved & when I thought of this question, I don't feel I have very many close friends. I have often advised my daughter to not give up her girl friends. My husband & I have another couple we go out to eat with, play cards with, etc. In group,s people seem to gravitate towards other people and then I pull back. My college room mate once told me I am hard to get to know, but am worth getting to know. I think that is still true. Probably has to do with that "wall".

    Day #6: Where do I come from? I come from parents who were both of Czech descent and both very Roman Catholic. They had both gone through the depression which likely had an affect on how I was raised. I grew up on a farm and have the midwestern work ethic. I see things to do and do them. My parents helped me with finances to go to college for which I am very grateful. I do like to serve others and don't like public recognition, yet I do like some acknowledgement that I exist and that I contributed. I try to remember the Bible verse to do all things unto the Lord and not unto men & that helps. Yet in all this, for some reason, I often have the feeling that no matter what I do, it's never good enough - or sometimes that paralyses me from doing some things - and so in that I have that perfectionism trait.

    This is pretty long and so even if no one else reads through the whole thing, it was a good thing for me to do.

  19. I think what I wrote made no sense.
    Mainly, I do need to work on just sitting and being with God--listening and not studying.
    But, my family and friends (of whom I have few) are always telling me to get out of the office and go do something. Well, my Bible study day is my one day of rest and peace and joy all week long.
    I tried to state this to a small group I was involved in, and the ministry leader felt I was just trying to impress people with my studies. When the truth is, I was letting people know what I enjoy.
    Because owning a carpet cleaning business is not what I like to talk about.
    I also dont have children, and so while some members would logically focus on that, my focus was on the one activity I really love.
    I wish I could attend Bible college.
    That would be ideal for me!

  20. Day 1 - I mostly eat fresh fruits and vegy & very little meat. I also eat organic breads and cereal. My weakness is candy & diet soda so try hard to keep it under control.
    Day 2 - I read my Bible & devotionals every day. I also enjoy reading Catholic Telegraph, Prevention & books by Becky, Don Colbert MD, & Nicholas Sparks novels.
    Day 3 - I watch the news, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopard and G rated movies on the HallMark & Lifetime movie channels.
    Day 4 - I love gardening, quilting, & antiquing traveling with my husband.
    Day 5 - I hang out with my husband & family. I also have 2 girlfriends that I have known most of my life but most of my friends are just aquintances I talk to at work and church & I don't hang out with them.
    Day 6 - I come from a strong Irish Roman Catholic family & have raised my children accordingly. I have 10 children (8 girls & 2 boys) & 21 grandchildren so there is always something big going on in our family even though I now have an empty nest. We communicate frequently & are all together at the the same time on holidays. It's so much fun. Actually my nest isn't empty - it quite full. In addition to me & my husband my uncle (age 95) & my father (with dymenthia -age 91) also live with us. I love caring for them and I am so happy that I can repay them by watching over them & caring for them the way they watched over me and took care of me when I was a child & dependant on them. Life is good.

  21. Oh, I forgot to mention that I have lived in the Greater Cincinnati Ohio area all my life and still do. We live in my ancestial home and I have so many, many wonderful memories and photos of my family in this home.

  22. Jean
    This is the first time I have written this quarter and it is making feel part of the group. It was wonderful reading all of your stories
    I have been on overload and looking for a job, I was laid off a year ago...it is really tough in the job market.
    I am truly enjoying Boot Camp, it so nice to see the stars at night and how quiet it is.
    I eat what I am and as of today lost another 2 lbs. and down 18 lbs. Its a good day
    I've been reading alot but after reading your books I think I should change. I've been reading mysteries. I watch tv mysteries, like NCIS, CSI, and others. I know I watch TV to much and I am beginning to change. I love Jerry Garcia ice cream but I haven't had any in while. I love my dear friends, my wonderful cat Lu,and going to the beach in Dana Point, California. I came from a small town outside of Buffalo, New York, with 1000 people. I am going "home" August 4th for my 50th Class Reunion, there were 35 students in my graduating class. Looking forward to the Reunion.
    I am not sure who I am today, but working on it, to much is happening, or not happening in my life.
    I hope I didn't carry on to much. Thanks for being there for me.

  23. Howdy Yall!!! I am off schedule, but I want to complete all camping assigments. I have been packing for my move from Wisconsin to Texas. Thanks for asking and I appreciate all the prayers.
    Ok, I am posting all because they all made me think and appreciate my life.
    #1 I eat just about anything. I like good food, fresh veggies and fruits and steak, oh and Tex Mex. I like chocolate and ice cream and sweets in general. I like cereal. I am not a good cook, but I am learning. I am enjoying trying to figure at recipies. I just like food, but am trying to keep things in moderation except the fruits and veggies.

    #2 I like to read all sorts of things. I love reading the bible and everytime I read I find something new, even when I have read the same passage bunches of time. I use to read a lot of self help books. Now I try to keep that at moderation. I like all mystery novels, historical novels, action and adventure, romance. I love to read a book and get lost in it. I enjoy Dee Henderson and James Patterson, oh I could go on forever with authors. I just finishe The Wedding. I would recommend that to anyone, but especailly to people with grown children whose marriage might need some attention. Another book was one that Becky had us read in the spiritual parent's group (of course any book she recommends is great) Hannah Whittal Smith's The Christian's Secrets to a Happy Life. I find her to be very inspiring. I also like to read short stories, news papers, magazines and I guess anything else.

    #3 I like to watch movies and tv. The last movies I saw were Toy Story 3 and Inception. Like books, I like all types of movies. I watch to much tv. I have to watch myself because I could get into all the dramas! I watch tons of Texas Rangers Baseball!! And all of the University of Texas sports. I am not the smartest in sports, but with my husband and 2 son's we watch a lot. With my daughter I watch Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly place and every cooking show ever made.

    #4 I love God, my husband, my children, My mother and mother in law, and all of my friends. I love Tex Mex food. I love when I see my children do something unselfish when they don't know I am watching. I love my church. I love my dogs. I love music, praise, worship, and dancing music. I could go on and on with things I love!

    #5 I hang out with my children the most. I really enjoy taking them places and I am sad that my middle son is in the process is getting his driver's license. It will be time I won't have with him when he can drive himself places. My husband travels 90% of the time so we don't get to hang out that much. I miss him. Otherwise, I spend time with some of the ladies from my bible study and I already miss them deeply!

    #6 I come from a sweet home with a daddy who loved me and my brothers and my mom. He has left a deep impression on my life. He was a fun loving, hard working, kind hearted man. I miss him terribly, but know I will see him again in heaven. My mother was a good mother, but I never knew what sort of mood she would be in. That being said she left me a very jumpy person. I use to feel that I was defined by some things that happened when I was in my early 20's. I don't talk about this time, but now I don't feel that I am defined by them. I am a child of God. He will redeem everything for His glory. Enough said.

  24. My favorite I am... question was "Who do I hang out with? Mostly because it showed growth in an area that I started praying about over a year ago. I have spent the past 4 years really disconnected from church. I had been extremely involved in a very large church in Orange County, singing on the worship team and leading a small group in the singles ministry. Both of those activities were passions of mine so I loved them and had wonderful friends through them. I felt like I had to leave because I ended a very abusive relationship and the man began stalking me at church. I just didn't feel protected in such a large church, and when I went to some of my leaders for help, I was just disciplined for getting involved in such a toxic relationship. (NOT at all the grace and truth I had loved about the church for so many years.) So for the past 4 years, I became really involved in musical theater and some of the great regional theaters we have all over Southern California. With those friends, came parties and lots of drinking and about a year ago, I woke up feeling extremely dissapointed in who I'd become and began praying for a change. About that time, I had reconnected with an old friend whom I had worked at a Christian camp with 23 years ago - he found me on Facebook and we have been dating for over a year. I began to attend church with him (Oh, I really didn't want to go to church) and he has really encouraged me to look at my life and examine my relationship with God. But I was still performing and spending a lot of my time with those people and continuing very destructive behaviors. Last month, I decided to takea break from performing so I could spend more time building my relationship with my boyfriend. Those friends, who I thought were so great, are GONE from my life. I didn't realize how taxing those people were on me. I truly was trying to serve 2 masters. I miss my friends from that large church. I liked who I was when I was with them, and I loved the "raw and honest" faith we shared. We could be so open about our struggles without judgement that comes so often, but loving encouragement to get back on track. I have a new "spiritual dream" because of this reflection - to become more connected with those friends who bring encouragement to my life.
    Wow, that was a long story, but I think I will post it anyway. I'm so thankful for the way God continues to work in my life. He's so faithful when I am not.
