Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week One: For the Next 60 Days...

Welcome Campers! (You'll want to print out each week's blog and put in your journal.)

You are entering a Boot Camp that is designed to call you to higher standards--physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally, as well as challenge you to ask more of yourself, and ultimately deliver the results you desire for yourself over the next 60 days. The last 30 days of our quarter will be maintenance. Yes, so often we achieve our goal then relapse or back track. Not this time. You just need to adhere to the daily assignment--one journal entry every day. I will randomly add vlogging (video logs) to visually encourage you along the way. (They can be retrieved on my facebook site initially, but you will be given a link when they are newly posted.)

Day One: For the next 60 days, please kneel by your bed either as soon as you get up or right before you get into bed at night. Non-negotiable. Just a sign of you dependence on God and your humility before Him. 60 seconds or less. Just talk to Him daily--whatever is pressing. Thank Him often. Day One to Sixty. This is one of only a few assignments that will be required daily.

Day Two: Breathe in Holy Spirit and breathe out anxiety, anger, or fear. At any point during the day when you are upset or confused or disappointed or afraid, before saying or doing anything else, whisper the words (and follow with a deep breath in), "I breathe in Holy Spirit, I breathe out...(whatever it is that is frustrating or hurting you)." This is optional, but a suggested practice during the following 59 days.

Day Three: Define Your Greatest Need or Your Most Self-Destructive Behavior at this moment in your life. One Word. (Example: money, discipline, anger, etc.)

Day Four: Choose a scripture for the next 60 Days that addresses your need or habit. Plan to memorize, hold onto, find strength from it over the next 57 days. Today, either ask the Lord to give you a verse or choose one that you have always found gives you hope or encouragement. (Ex: Ephesians 3:20, Acts 20:24, Phil. 4:6-8, etc.)

Day Five: Post your verse on the blog. In addition, write or print it out and post/place/stick it in three different places: purse, car, bathroom mirror, bible, etc. Give yourself every opportunity to see it many times each day. Begin to hear God speaking it to you for the next 56 days.

Day Six: Finish this sentence in your journal, "From now on..."

Day Seven: Journal an answer to the following questions: "What has God said to me this week? How did He speak? Who do I know it was God? How did I respond to God?

Here we go!

Be encouraged,



  1. I have a "top 5" I do every morning, and also tell my kids to do their "top 5". It is make bed, SAY PRAYERS, tidy room, brush/wash, get dressed. I like to make my bed and then kneel at my bedside. At times I like to say the words to a song my children had at BSF...here are the words, "Good morning, God, this is your day, I am your child, show me your ways." I also like to pray the Bible verse listed in Becky's prayer journal,"Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me." (Psalm 119:133)

    I finally posted a profile picture instead of the smiley face. :) Also, I decided to change from JoyBeth to just Beth. Joy is my daughter's name, and I am not really sure why I started out using "JoyBeth", but anyway, I am not a newcomer, however...I have a new attitude and have recommitted my commitment to doing the assignments daily and posting!

    Welcome to the newcomers, and hello to the others coming back. Let's go with God to bootcamp with Becky!!!

  2. Greetings Changers/strangers,
    I don't consider you all strangers anymore.
    just love you all now so I am going to Call you CHANGERS. Thank you beth for the nice prayer. And the idea of a top 5. I would like to use it. Also, Becky I am so excited to press on ....and realy make you proud of me. so, Here I go. I did answer the questions on the last blog and will post for q2 as soon as I get some time.

    Go Changers....Go!

  3. Beth,
    Maybe I should change my picture also.

  4. Just listened to the recorded call and am so inspired! Thanks for all the direction you are giving us Becky. Thanks to all the ladies for sharing and being so honest with your struggles. It makes me feel more normal. I know I am jumping ahead but I have been struggling to the point of being overwhelmed, discourage maybe even depressed about my lack of discipline. I do get things done on a timely matter and have always been considered dependable but I drive myself and family crazy getting there. It's like I start too many things at once.... So my greatest need is discipline in all areas! Please remember me in your prayers.

    Also I am listed as a follower twice and don't know how to remove one. Sorry, if anyone knows how please feel free to explain it to me.

  5. Hope to post a picture soon. So happy to be a part of this boot camp - expecting great results!

  6. Good morning to all! What a beautiful morning it is here in Maryland (where we have had three days of record heat, with temps. well above 100 degrees!) I just have to share something special with all of you . . . .

    Last week, as I was pruning bushes around my house, I inadvertently lopped off the front cover of a little grey catbird's hideaway, and I discovered a nest with three little eggs in it. I was afraid I had ruined things for little mama, but soon I saw her sitting in her not-so-hidden retreat. I've been "visiting" her and talking to her regularly, and yesterday--the first day of our bootcamp--I had the chance to peek in the nest, and two of the little birds had hatched. This morning, the third and tiniest of all is now in the nest with his/her siblings! I didn't get much of a peek today, for little mama began squawking ferociously from a nearby bush!

    How appropriate that these little creatures' lives should start at the same time as this boot camp. They are not more than an inch long, and yet the Bible reminds us that God's tender care reaches even to those little creatures. They will certainly make huge changes in the next 60 days. I hope we can make some, too!

    Thanks, Becky, for your guidance and encouragement!

    Have a great day, everyone!


  7. Wow, some great inspirations have been given by so many faithful followers of this blog. I have been out of town and am now catching up. Will listen to the call today, and begin assignments. Maybe even a new photo for me too! Beth, you ideas are GREAT! Thank you for sharing. And Wanda, thank you too for sharing about your new babies.

  8. Day 2
    I decided to blog everyday. I hope that don't sound like to much. I think that if I blog it will help me to stay on track.
    Went for a brisk walk with a wounderful new friend. Breathe in holy spirit. Just when I was going up the hill back to my car I remembered to Breathe. I know my prayer is "help me to stay foused on what I need to get done today"
    Today....Is a big deal for me. After 20yrs of a not very happy marriage ...this year is a 21 years but a new start for me. Thinking about what to do that would mean something to HUSBAND.

  9. Thank you everyone for such inspired words. I have been often reminded in the last few years that God looks after the sparrows who are sold 2 for a penny, so he most certainly will look after me. And he has been so faithful, even when I haven't been. I am excited for this call to discipline. Last week, my boyfriend looked at me and said, "I don't think you live a balanced life." Wow! He had no idea that I am doing this series, and yet he hit the nail on the head. I feel like my life goes in and out of balance - I commit to doing too much, I struggle through to see the committment through, vow not to say yes to so many things again, take a break, and then start the cycle all over again. I see that women seem to join me in this struggle, and I'm so glad I'm not alone. I have a question though. When I find myself overcommitted, I feel like I can't bail because that would be irresponsible. How do you handle those times? Is it more responsible to just admit that it is too much and just politely decline (a volunteer job) or do you just push through until the project is over?

  10. Hey everyone--great comments on the blog. And Mickey, it would be great if you blogged daily--that's what it is here for (public accountability which leads to a greater chance for sustained change)!


  11. Finally, checking in.
    Been so busy trying to work two new work-from-home jobs, and run my two businesses. Feeling very much stressed and out of control. Working on the daily prayers, kneeling and breathing. Praying that God will close some doors if I am supposed to be in different jobs.

    Robin, I believe your subscriptions are on your profile page? Can you possibly uncheck one of the listings there, so you only have one?

    Wanda, I am thinking about the baby birds.

    After our dog died in Dec, God blessed us with this little possible bichon poo pup. Besides providing my exercise every night (she needs walks), she has been a joy in our home. We never would have taken a little dog, not in a million years. But God.........
    Same as those baby birds. Life is all new to her, and she is being held accountable (for desrtructive behavior), experiencing being placed into our home by God (right where she was meant to be). She is loved, and disciplined, growing and learning.
    Baby birds....baby pups....sheep....needing a shepherd.

  12. I love all of your comments. I can relate to everyone of them. Today I breathed in the holy spirit and out with anxiety, in HS out stress. I knelled at my bed in the morning and will do so again in a few minutes. What peace to begin and end with our wonderful caretaker. Robin, I said a prayer for you and when I feel overwhelmed I will remember you and pray that we both can be free from this. Yesterday, I lost an earring I was trying on for my daughters wedding. My daughters bridesmaid was helping me hunt for them. I was getting more anxious by the minute and getting upset with myself for having things all over the house. If only I was organized I said to myself I wouldn't have lost this earring. After 45 minutes, after I had taken the pipes to the sink apart I bowed my head and asked God to find the earring. No sooner had I said it but the girl says I found it. "I don't know what prompted me to look in the bag both of us had looked in already." I knew,so we gave God the credit. Forgive section this morning: why didn't I consult god sooner and out loud for witness to HIS power. Onward and upward.

  13. For you newbies: you have to keep pressing Post Comment sometimes it takes 3 pushes.

  14. Mickey...I like your picture, as it made me laugh when I saw it. Isn't that how we can feel some days...trapped! (Especially when I overcommit.) I can tell some of you struggle as I have in the past. I have been reading a book on time management, and one on setting boundaries. It sure has made me realize that saying NO can be freeing, especially when that activity or volunteer job does not line up with my top priorities or goals. It was hard at first...because I felt guilty for saying no, and found that others tried to make me feel guilty, but I stayed focused! I finally have realized that "Just because I CAN do it, does not mean that I am supposed to do it!"

    Mickey...I,too will be celebrating 21 years of marriage this year, and have had 20 years of struggles and frustrations. I am melancholy/phlegmatic, and my husband is chloric/sanguine. (for those of you who did the personality last quarter, you know what I mean.) I decided to do the Love Dare journal along with this 60 day journey. Maybe you can do something like this too,and we can pray for each other.

    I found myself anxious today, and stopped to pray...and take in a fresh breath of Holy Spirit air! (It helped me to quote the fruit of the Spirit.) God specifically answered two concerns I had, and it was AMAZING!

    God Bless! See you tomorrow. (Going to try to post daily, also.)

  15. Thank you Beth! I think that will be my new mantra for a while, "Just because I CAN do it doesn't mean that I am supposed to do it!" I like it!

  16. Well, it must be that season...we celebrate 22 years of marriage today. I have been breathing in the Holy Spirit and breathing out frustrations and stress all day. I have decided, after much prayer, that I am clearing my calendar for the Fall to be still and rest in His arms. I am in a new season of my life and am aching for rest in our Father's lap. It is tough to stand firm and say "no". I need time to pray, meditate, contemplate and plan ahead. I thank God for this group.

  17. Day 3--I could be narrow and define my greatest need as finances, but I'm going to go a bit farther and say "Isaac."
    Our pastor is in Hebrews 11, and made some observations on how we think God isnt moving fast enough, and we go ahead and create an Ishmael. All the while, He has the child of promise in store (Isaac). It really made sense to me, when he said we need to wait for God's timing, God's promises to be fulfilled, wait for God to move (and He will).
    I'm going to remind myself, Isaac is coming.
    And try not to rush ahead of God and create an Ishmael. I'm going to make that the word that defines my need. I need God's promises fulfilled, and I need to be obedient to the commands, I need to not rush ahead but to wait at His feet.

  18. Day 3's assignment looks easier than it is; "one word" is difficult. The first words that came to mind were focus, perfectionism, procrastination (I think those two go together!), and commitment. After reviewing my notes from Wednesday's recorded call, however, I think perhaps DISCIPLINE is the best word for me. It fits all categories--(1) deciding which job to do first and then concentrating and completing it, (2) realizing that although I may not complete a task perfectly, putting it off merely prevents me from being able to finish it or concentrate on other things I need to do, and (3) telling myself that I honor God, other people, and even myself when I commit to something and follow through as planned.

    Since summer vacation began, I have followed through on getting enough sleep each night, eating well and tracking EVERYTHING--even on the 4th of July, and breaking my housecleaning projects into small manageable steps and working on them each day. What a difference that has made in just a couple of weeks! I'm praying that I can maintain these habits once I'm back in school.

    As Hugbear mentioned above, I also "thank God for this group," and I believe the daily assignments will help all of us as we strive to live the lives God has planned for us.

    "See" you all tomorrow!

  19. DAY 3

    Wanda thanks for small manageable steps comment.
    Kimberly: The From Now on: for me was about making a commetment.
    Example: Smile on ''''from now on:
    check additude
    ivho( invisable hallo on)
    Remember What Jesus did for me
    Armor of God on
    Remember to get protected

  20. Beth
    Thanks for the prayers. I would love to also,
    pray for you.
    IvHO Poem
    INvisable Hallo On
    I am Held in HIS arms
    I am washed in HIS blood
    I am Covered by HIS forgivness
    I am clothed in HIS
    INvisable Hallo of LIGHT

  21. Wanda
    I also think that new birds are happy.

  22. All of you are terrific. I think I am so focused on my daughters wedding I can hardly think straight. Disorganized is my most apparent weakness at this point. I can't seem to get a handle on it. Wanda thanks for the steps, I think your ahead of us. I won't be near a computer tomorrow so I will reconnect with you all on Sunday. Aren't you excited for the growth in this group!! Laura love the symbolism of Isaac. I am going to use that in my womens group>

  23. Day 4--Here is my verse:“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:13b-14 NIV).

    This verse literally came to me out of nowhere tonight. (Actually, that’s not true; I’m sure the Lord planted it in my thoughts!) As I finished this morning’s Bible reading and journaling, I was not sure which verse to select, so I tossed around a few and then decided to think about it later, for I had much to do today--morning chores, lunch with my best friend, her daughter and step-mother, whose birthday we were celebrating, and a cake to bake for tomorrow’s potluck dinner after church. I really didn’t think any more about today’s assignment until tonight. While the cake was cooling and I was cleaning the kitchen, for some reason I began thinking about school. We will start back earlier than ever before, so I was imagining what my fall classes would be like. Before long, my thoughts turned to a difficult situation that some of us experienced last year, and suddenly I tensed and began to dread the thought of such an incident recurring. At that moment, I remember thinking, “I just need to forget the past and press on . . . .”

    “What is that verse? How does it go?” I asked myself, pretty sure that it was something Paul had written. “Is it ‘press on to the goal‘ or ‘the prize’ . . . or is it ‘toward the goal’?” I didn’t know, so I sat down at the computer and “googled” the phrase. When the search revealed many results, I scanned them quickly until my eyes fell on the 8th one from the top. . . . I clicked on the link, which led not to the Bible verse itself, but to a very long essay entitled “Paul’s Perspective on Perfectionism (Phil 3:12-21)” by Bob Deffinbaugh. I am certain God meant for me to find this essay! It touches on so topics that are extremely relevant to Becky’s boot camp! Here is the link in case you’d like to check it out:

    Even if you decide not to read the whole thing, you might like Deffinbaugh’s story about a “non-running” car he reluctantly bought for $100, only to learn later that the car had simply run out of gas. He uses that story to make a point about Paul, prior to his encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus and then after his conversion to Christianity. Anyway, I won't go into details, but I urge you to check it out.

    Mickey, I love the IVHO Poem! It's a good one to remember Thank you. Laura, I love the Isaac symbolism, too. Robbie, I know how excited you are about your daughter's wedding; I hope everything goes wonderfully! I can understand why you feel disorganized right now, but it seems that you have your priorities straight!!

    It’s really late, and I’ve written more than I intended to, so I’ll say goodnight for now. I’m looking forward to seeing what verses the rest of you have chosen.

    Oh . . . the little birds are delightful! I'm amazed at how they are growing. The parents don't seem to mind it when I go near the nest to take pictures. I've found that if I whistle softly, the strongest bird holds his head up and opens his mouth. . . . I forgot to turn the flash off this evening as I ventured close to little mama and took her picture while she sat on her little brood. Suddenly little papa began screeching at me from a nearby bush, so I got his picture, too. :-)

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Mickey...the word that came to my mind that I need most help with, is the same one you mentioned...consistency! (and I thought about it before I read the blog comments) I can be really disciplined with eating/exercising, budgeting, managing my time, loving my husband, quiet time, etc...but then I can seem to forget what I know to be true and what works in my life, and get lazy, selfish, procrastinate, and undisciplined.

    I looked up the definition for consistency: condition of adhering together (accountability), firmness of character (discipline), harmony of conduct or practice with profession (If I "profess" to be a child of God's, does my life and relationships reflect what i believe?) The verses that God led me to memorize and use, "John 15:1-17". ("I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardner. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit...")

    The "consistent" word used in these verses is remain. (used 11 times). To be consistent, I must remain connected with Christ!!

    Wanda...thanks for the web site. I think I will use that tomorrow at church, teaching 11th grade girls. Also, your bird illustration brings to mind how as believers, we have an outsider trying to get to us, but when we stay in the nest, we have our Heavenly Father perching nearby standing guard on our behalf.

    I have shared a lot...but one more thing...tonight as my daughter was playing softball in state tournament, I began to get anxious when she was put in to pitch in the last two innings. (as she is not a regular pitcher but they needed to save the better pitchers for tomorrow's game.) Anyway...I breathed in Holy Spirit, and out anxiety...and just prayed for her to pitch strikes. As she walked several, and my anxiety level wanted to rise, I continued to breathe in Holy Spirit peace, and prayed. She was able to finish pitching (without being pulled), and they only scored two runs on her, and we won the ball game 7 to 3. His eye is on the sparrow!!!!

    Good night!

  26. ok, Mickey...I do not see your daily blog post?? Just holding you accountable. (and praying for you!)

    Laura...just wanted to share a dog training method book we used on our toy poodle who is 3 now, The Loved Dog by Tamar Gellar. It worked great for us! (This book reminds me how being "consistent" and intentional and loving will lead to obedience and a trained life.) Congrats on the new dog!

    Robbie...when is your daughter's wedding? Remember Becky's "MIN" (most important now.) That always helps me to focus on what's most important to do NOW. I will be praying that you will have "peace" in the planning process without procrastinating. Enjoy this special time of memories!

  27. Well, here I am. I have experienced the peace of a kneeling prayer. Becky gave that assignment to me when we were living in our apartment. After 19 years of marriage and much counseling and therapy, my husband's abuse became unbearable. God opened doors to get us to safety, but I still felt afraid. Becky taught me to pray this way and it carried me. Well, in the meantime, we moved back home, but I'd stopped doing this...probably because I no longer had my postit reminder. So, I have restarted it. Thanks for the reminder and I urge you all to do this. It will bring you so much peace.

    My word came from several. As I pondered this week, I came up with Service, Serenity, and Stewardship. It isn't Becky's one word, and I knew I didn't have it all, but I know that those words were a part of the answer. And then I realized my word...Self Discipline. This is my season to be especially self disciplined. As I move out of my abusive marriage into a new chapter, I am called to a life of serenity. I am free to be of service as never before and I need to practice good stewardship more than ever. I am a stay at home mom of 13 years...and now, well...now God is leading me. Anyway, my greatest skill to sharpen and use is self discipline, so that is where I will be. I haven't gotten my verse solidified, but I'm working.

  28. The self-destructive behavior that I want to tackle this quarter is procrastination. I think the verse that really speaks to me is 1 John 2: 4-5. "Whoever says, "I know him" but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected." I'm so excited to post this on my fridge and on my mirror so that I can meditate on it.

  29. I’m new this quarter. Birds…ivho…a wedding. Lots of great sharing and wisdom. My morning quiet times have a new purpose with Becky’s assignments. My most self-destructive behavior is procrastination—right behind you Sharon. Not helpful as I am looking for a part-time job.

    My verse is: “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8. And verse 9 totally applies: “Doo not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.” I so need to trust God’s direction for my life instead of think I’m in control.

  30. I thought I was signing on to the blog earlier in the week, but by seeing tonight what the dialogue has been this week, I've missed it but I found it now. My verse is: Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."

  31. My verse is also Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." This one needs to sink in deep.
    I also want to memorize this one so I put it in my journal: "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." Matt 16:25
    Becky, I know you went to Times Square Church in NYC...I have been reading David Wilkerson's newletter for almost 10 years. This week, it was about waiting on God for His perfect timing. Impatience is a form of pride. Well, that is one sin I am guilty of continuously. It is so hard to wait. Makes me nauseaous. Everything in me aches. I am waiting.

  32. RHM...I like that verse. My daughter is into horses, and we just got her a horse for her 13th birthday. (a definite God-thing and will have to share some time.) I am going to share that verse with her. I know I have read this before, but it makes sense to me now. Thanks for sharing.

    Rita...Romans 12:1-2 has been my life verse for a while. I even had it engraved on the back of my ipod! and
    Hugbear I used Psalm 32:8 with my Sunday school class of 11th grade girls this morning. God is Good!
    "From now on"...I will journal every day! I have not been consistent, so from now on, I will have my journal and pen ready, and at least make a one sentence entry. (but my guess is I will write more, once I start!) The perfectionism in me makes me procrastinate, and then a day goes by, then two, and then a week...(some of you know the routine) But "from now on" I will journal daily for 60 days.

    Already doing better...not even day 6 and I am ahead of the game. :) Mickey...still looking for your blog!

    It is time for lights out in my "boot camp" cabin...so heading to bed now. Praying for this group, and so thankful for God's hand on this group, and Becky's leadership.

  33. This weeks looks quite simple, but has been quite difficult. Posting on this has been quite diffiult, too. But I will get right to business and say that I really, really struggled with the one word. I said recently that there is a lot wrong in my life: my attitude, disorganization, lack of courage, lack of strength, finances, relationships and more. I finally narrowed it down to disorganization, strength, courage and discipline all needing to be tempered with love. I really agonized over it. Then I prayed about the Old Testament way of casting lots. So I wrote it all down and let my daughter draw praying that God would put in her hand the one word that I needed to focus on. I was really leaning toward disorganization, but felt the urge to not select that. So she drew and the word was strength. I need strength, spiritually, emotionally and physically. So then came to find the verese. Many came to mind. So I went to the back of my bible and the first verse I looked up was: I Corinthians 6 13-14 Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.
    It amazed me how this contained so many of the words and concepts I had been pondering. I really felt like God was saying this is the verse.
    On a lighter side in my first post I talked how I felt like I was a juggler who kept dropping all her balls. So on the first day I went to journal and I could not find the one I purchased. (my disorganization) I spent so much time looking for it, then I started praying. Then I felt I should go to the basement and find a notebook. I had a box there of work stuff that had been down there for 2 years. (guess you see more of my disorganization) So I open the box and pull out the first thing I pull out was a book with 3 balls that was title 'The complete juggling kit' I had to laugh. Our Lord has such a wonderful sense of humor. Then I found a pink polka dot notebook that is perfect for journaling.

  34. Your posts made me laugh and cry! I love BOOT CAMP with you all! As one camper said, "Well girls, it's light out!"

    Be encouraged,


  35. Sunday check in: Hi all, loving all the posts.
    Becky, this is the best quarter yet! I love and need the daily focus.
    And Beth, I have the dog book and it's sitting on my table in the den, waiting to be read. You confirmed my choice of books! Bless you.

    Well, today was really rough. Started the day on the way to church, stressing over money and jobs and who should be working full time or not. I'm wearing so many hats right now, with about 5 jobs if you count my own businesses.
    I had to ask God, please multiply my income so I can stop worrying about where to work and just do the work I have. And find my husband a way to support us. And help me to stop trying to do it all, and control it all. Help me to be able to once again take care of our home and get out of my office. All that stuff.
    Just piled up. I'm so weary....

    My verse:

    20 Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21
    Eph 3:20-21 (NASB77)

  36. Sunday day five,
    Yesterday just thinking.
    1Corinthians 1:18
    I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very Power of

    Galtians 5:22 well known but a good one for me.
    But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us
    LOVE JOY peace patience kindness, faithfulness gentleness and self-control

  37. thanks Beth for keep me accountable
    I had a hard time hearing from God on the right verse.

    I thought that I also should have this one.

    Ezekiel 36:25
    I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean, I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from your idols.

    I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you, I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

  38. Ezekiel 37:5
    This is what the Sovereign LORD say:
    "LOOk I am going to breathe into you and make you live again!.....
    Then you will know that I am the LORD.

    Then you will know that I am the LORD is repeted through out this chapter. JUst need to remember that!

    Take to you tomorrow.

  39. I'm a little behind - my dear daughter was home and I had a 3 day weekend so my "to do" list fell by the wayside - that is why I chose "discipline" as the one thing I need the most in my life.

    Hebrews 12:11
    "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it"

  40. I love reading the scriptures everyone has chosen! Everyone seems to be taking Boot Camp seriously; it's hard to believe that we are nearly finished with our first week! These daily assignments are such a great way to help us stay on track. I just finished adding my "From now on . . ." sentence to today's journal and think I might just write it on each day's entry for a while.

    Before heading to bed tonight, I just have to post an update on my little "family" outside. Little Papa is not too sure about me yet, but Little Mama seems to trust me now. I keep taking a couple of blackberries to her with each visit to the nest; first, I hold them up between my thumb and forefinger, place them in my open hand, and then lay them on the ground near the bush. She watches me quietly, and not long after I go inside, the blackberries disappear. When she is off the nest, she doesn't seem to mind my going close to look at the babies and take pictures, but Papa often screeches loudly from a nearby crape myrtle.

    This afternoon I got home from the grocery store just as a thunder storm was approaching. Worried about the nest, which is hardly hidden since my horrible pruning removed the large branch that used to cover it, I ventured over to take a look. Little Mama had turned her back to the world and spread her wings over her little brood. I spoke to her gently and then dashed in just before the winds and rains came. For the next two hours, we had heavy rain, harsh winds, a bit of hail, and loud claps of thunder. As I sat inside, the tune and words of an old familiar hymn, "Under His Wings," kept running through my head, and I couldn't stop thinking of the little creatures outside the window. Finally, just before I had to leave for my WW group, the rain stopped, and I ventured out once more. There sat Little Mama with rain dripping from her tail feathers, but I know the little ones were safe and warm under her wings. . . .

    Relieved, I left for Weight Watchers; when I returned, the nest was unattended, so I tiptoed over and got a couple more pictures of the babies. Since the last of the three was born on Thursday, 7/9, I am astounded at how much each one has grown. The largest one's eyes are beginning to open, and their little wings are getting feathers! Soon they will be venturing out in the world on their own.

    After seeing the mother bird caring for her little ones, I don't think I'll ever hear or sing "Under His Wings" in the same way again. And next time I feel worried or anxious about a situation, I'll remember the little birds' complete trust in their protector and do my best to "breathe in Holy Spirit" and breathe out all the negative thoughts and emotions that are trying to take control.

    Goodnight, Everyone! See you tomorrow.

  41. These evening posts remind me of sitting by the campfire and hearing stories and testimonies...yes! Becky

  42. day 6
    yes..just love reading everyones blog.
    i had to go to traffic court for a speeding ticket today. WOW! this had to be one of the worst days of my life.

    would like to stop thinking about that now.

    from now on....WandaT
    i thought that it would be a good idea about just writing that at the top of a page.

    right now I have a very bad headack and can't think very clearly....so....feel like a fool and keep thinking how much i hate driving and I am a school bus driver.

    i have to report my ticket to work tomorrow and feel down about it. don't have anything positive to say today.

  43. I think I've forgotten what day we're on.
    I spent the day trying to console my husband who is extremely depressed over lack of work.
    Trying to remember that yesterday the pastor said we need to invest in other people and we need to be prepared to give a report of what God is doing.

    Tonight I wrote out some Scriptures besides the one I selected, to post with that one.
    I've also been making entries in my CYL Journal on things God is showing me. Yes, once you start writing it is hard to stop.

    I'm still having to think about..."From now on...." Not got it yet.

  44. Just wanted to check in and say hello to everybody. Wanda, I had a robin build her nest in my front doorway window. I put a ladder up on the inside of the house so we could peek in without disturbing the nest. She laid 4 beautiful blue eggs. The neighbor children and mom enjoyed taking a peek at them, too. It was so much fun we even got to watch one break its shell. Then they grew and when we would peek in mama and papa would come flutter their wings and chirp at me to leave. My daughter and I named them after my 3 children and one of her friends. Then they left and we joked how they did not say chirpgoodbyechirp.
    Also, I am going to weight watchers. I started at the end of quarter 1. I really enjoyed the walk it challenge!

  45. 8 " This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. 9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go
    Josh 1:8-9 (NASB77)

    ***This is just one of four I had to add to my list fot this quarter. I'm going to post all the verses I came up with, in one place and then my verse for this group in three places.

  46. I love love love the Josh1:8-9
    I need to write my scriptures down again on a card so i can just have it in my purse.

    Will do that tomorrow when I feel better.

    good night Changers

  47. I work the night shift and am just getting off work and catching up on the blogs. This is so great and encouraging. I shared my scripture (Romans 12:2) but hadn't shared what my word was. I had a hard time deciding on one too but then really prayed about it to see where God wanted me to work. I could be either Renewal, Re-creation, or even restoration. And so for the scripture, I was looking at 2 Corintheans 5:17 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."

    Then I listened to a service and that is what was preached on! It was actually on 2 Corinth 5:17 but within the course of the message he talked about Romans 12:2 and said this is really the key point, that we must transform our minds. He said our mind it like the "gate keeper". It makes the choice on what we will agree with and we need to agree with our Spirit in which the Holy Spirit lives and it lives by agreeing with what the Bible says and the Bible is true. Hope this makes sense. So that led me to believe Romans 12:2 what I really need to work on.

    I know it's morning for most, but I'll say 'good night'.

  48. From now on....I'm going to try to put things in their place (including lists).

    Mickey, I hope you have a better day today.
    Praying for blessings for you.

  49. This scripture gives me hope.

    Joel 2:25
    "The Lord will restore the years the locusts have eaten".

  50. What anawesome group! I am so encouraged when I read the posts. My word is diligence - visualizing each task as a special assignment from the Lord and using all my energies to accomplish it. My verses are Col. 3: 23-24, Whatever you do, do your work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men....It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.

  51. Day 6
    From now on:
    I will slow down when driving.
    I will hold my breath for a split second when I feel like yelling at my kids.
    Day 7
    What has God been saying to me this week?
    I think that I am hearing GOD say is that I need to get serious about HIM.
    How do I know that its GOD speaking?
    I think through others who are seeking God. I believe that the scriptures also have spoken of believing GOD. The idea of a BOOT Camp. Also, spoke to me about working hard.

  52. To sum up the week.....well, I'm not sure.
    I've been asking God why people who are in an actual storm, get a break from the storm. We just have not had one.
    We havent been able to draw real paychecks for a few months now. I really want things to be normal again, because I feel I am missing out on life, and time well spent with my elderly Mom and husband.
    Financial stress is just miserable, especially when all you are trying to do is pay the bills (not go on fancy trips, or buy expensive things.)
    I know God;s testing my faith, I'm seeing those threads come together in verses, church sermons etc. But I just would love to see some sun peek through the clouds, because my endurance is wearing a little thin.

  53. I longed for this group to like this posting your deepest thoughts and now for the next 2 weeks I am not going to be able to participate as much as I would like. I am marching to wedding bells for my daughter. The wedding is not what I want my focus to be on for the group so I will pick my verse later. From now on I am going to be more organized, less anxious, and God centered. I can't seem to think out side of this wedding. I can't go into the details since I am very tired but have to say several times in the last 3 days God has met me right where I was giving me the words to say or others speaking God's truth into me. You all will get a kick out of this one. I couldn't sleep,3am I kept thinking about who was going to be in what hotel room. A hour passed so I thought I would just put my ipod on shuffle and let the music put me back to sleep, I didn't know what was going to play as it was dark and I didn't have my glasses on. Who's voice came on but our own camp leader Becky's cd about being sold out for God, the burning hearts, The strange part was when she would pause it would play a hymn and then I would get a bit of Becky and then a hymn. God spoke to me all night long. Trust in me he said I will see you through the next 2 weeks with Joy.
    I am desperate to hear God's voice and I did. I am printing out your posts and taking them with me to the wedding. They are wonderful.

  54. I had been in an emotional meltdown for two months before the quarter started. There had been therapy, tons of self-reflection, being in prayer and in the word, inspirational reading and being supported by friends. And then through the assignments of this past week I have found deliverance! Thank you, God! God said to me this week: “You can be confident, I am watching over you.” The assignments showed me that I do care about myself. And I remember that God can use me just the way I am.

    From now on…I will be proactive about my life. I will make good decisions about my life. Job Search. Eating & Exercise. Relationships. I will trust God’s direction for my life.

  55. Just a quick note to say I have a little catching up to do. We had storms again last night, so I didn't want to keep the computer on. Then, this morning I left the house fairly early for two appointments. Getting home around 2:45, I was more than ready for lunch; just as I was finishing the last bite, I looked at the clock on the stove, which read 3:01! I dashed to the computer to get the phone number for today's call, so I came in a bit late but managed to hear most of it.

    I enjoyed the call, love the "boot camp" approach, and am glad to see that so many are blogging this time. I'll will be back later with my end-of-week-one comments. . . . Right now I'm off to check on the little bird family. :-)

  56. Day 7--a day late!

    God has spoken to me in so many ways this week--through the scriptures we've read, through the one I chose to post and memorize, and certainly through those little birds. The little mother knows her purpose right now; she doesn't need anyone to prod or push her, but she patiently tends to her little ones, and even when she leaves the nest, she remains close by with a watchful eye on them. Likewise, the father is almost always on the fence or in a nearby tree, and if he senses trouble, he sounds a clear alarm. Meanwhile, the little ones are completely content. We've had some rough weather for the last two days, and yet they are safe and happy all nestled together in their little nest. . . . I believe that God is telling me not to spend so much of my time rushing from one commitment to another, but to slow down and take time to enjoy life, resting in the knowledge that he is watching over me, just as the parents are watching over their babies.

    After a nice break, I'm taking another college course, which began on Monday. I spent four hours this evening doing my homework, but I really enjoyed the work. I took my time, didn't rush, and really learned something through the process. Now I'm off to spend 60 seconds cleaning out my purse, and then it's off to bed.

    Goodnight, everyone! This second week will be a good one!

  57. My choice is long, but here it goes...
    Hebrews 12:10 NO discipline is enjoyable while it is happening it is painful! But afterward there wil be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for you feet Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong.

    I believe this verse reminds me why to be self disciplined. It especially speaks to my role as my husband has moved away and I worry about my new job description. It reminds me my disipline is about me..and my feet, not my husbands. it also reminds me I must mark it, be active in finding it. NOt just wait for it to happen. I talso reminds me the truth of doing the right thing...it isn't easy, but there is a harvest...right living. I will be working on which of the phrases is my catch phrase since this is a longer passage

  58. Having been off for a week and without any technology, including telephone, I am having to "Breathe In, an dBreathe Out" to catch up. so the suggestion to Breathin in Holy spirit and breath out anxiety and stress is most helpful.

    My prayers and reading led me to select 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 for my verse for the quarter:

    Always be joyful.
    Pray continually,
    And give thans whatever happens.
    that is what God wants for me in Christ.

    Thanks for the positive comments and encouragement. Please tell me were we are in the quarter: do the assignments posted go for the current or next week?


  59. Journal an answer to the following questions: "What has God said to me this week? Durin During this first week, It has been clear that this what I needed. In the back of my head has been the expectation that God would speak to me, so I looked for him. What is the saying that says what we think about we get? So I restarted my kneeling prayer, which I knew worked but had forgotten about it as we moved back in to the house. How did He speak? He spoke to me by putting th the next step in front of me. The breath prayer helps, but I have got to use it more. He prompted me to do things…to seek out an alanon meeting and to arrive in time to be a part of it on a day my kids weren’t around. He put the information about phone meetings in my hands and prompted me to check the time of a support group that I would have missed. He nudged me to take care of myself while my kids were with their dad instead of filling the time with endless work. Who do I know it was God? I don’t really know how I can know it is God except to trust the feeling on the other side. These things are not things I would have done unless the idea was planted in my head in way that put them in front of everything else on my cluttered to do list. I don’t always trust that it is God andthis is something I’d like to hear more about. How, indeed do we know? It has to be consistent with the bible, but there is much in the bible that intellects would say contradict. I just know. I know it isn’t much of an answer, but if I am truly thinking about god and looking for him, there just a feeling. How did I respond to God? I tried to do what he was asking. I wanted to know why, and he didn’t tell me, so I tried to do it anyway.

    From now on, I am trying to listen for God.

  60. God spoke to me through a podcast of a large church in our area. The pastor has been speaking about Genisis. Funny, as a graduate from a christian college up in Azusa, I didn't feel that I had much to learn about the old testament from merely a preacher, and not a Bible professor (that is my pride coming in) but everytime I hear this person speak about something it might as well be God himself bringing me the message. His message was about anger from the story of Cain and Able. He said that sin is like a predator, waiting for us to not be paying attention. It is actually when we brush what we are doing under the carpet, claiming it it not that bad that the attacker comes after us to destroy our lives. I've already had my life destroyed once, and it took so long to put it back together, I don't care to do that again! I need to look my struggle in eye and admit it to someone so that I can move to change that behavior. I did go as far as to post my progress in my marathon training on Facebook, and that keeps me motivated. But I still do a lot of eating in secret. Even journaling is only available to me. Anyone else face this? Does anyone else want to partner with me to gently encourage each other to continue doing what we so desperately want to do?
    Let me know,
    Sharon (Tustin, CA)

  61. Good morning, everyone! I just came in from the backyard and decided to check the blog to see if anyone had posted yesterday. For some reason, I went back to this week's posts, too, and I see that a couple have posted here. I know Becky said yesterday to journal about the questions for this week, but to post on Day 7. I think it has really helped for me to post something almost daily.

    Kpaige, it sounds as if you are really getting in tune with God. Remember that Kevin Costner movie called "Field of Dreams"? A key line was, "If you build it, they will come." I really think that if we "build" a place in our heart and mind for the Lord, he will come! Last winter and spring, I simply took on too much, and I found myself skipping days of Bible reading and journaling--something I had been consistent with for several years. It simply wasn't working! LIFE simply wasn't working, I mean. God seemed to be saying, "If you want to handle it all by yourself and crowd me out, so be it!" By the end of the school year, I was more than ready to get back to Him, and this boot camp has been just the tool I needed.

    Keep on praying, seeking, and listening, and I know you'll feel better. Two resources that you might like are a Bible Study called "Seeking Him" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and Becky's wonderful book/CD called "Let God Talk to You."

    Take care!

  62. Sharon, I read your post and can certainly identify with what you said. Last spring, when I had too much going on with school and my online courses, I got really lax about keeping track of what I ate. Sometimes I let stress get the best of me and ended up eating ice cream or other junk food, and I felt miserable. Since I work part-time as a leader for Weight Watchers, I began to dread the meetings. How could I coach my members to goal if I was starting to feel my clothes get tighter and the scale creep up?? ... As much as I dreaded these requirements, I am thankful that employees must be weighed by another staff member and send their weight slips in once a month. That helped me keep from getting totally out of control, but I weighed in for two months in a row at 2 pounds plus a few ounces over my goal--and we must stay within the two pound limit. I asked my supervisor if she'd mind my sending her daily food diaries electronically to get back on track, and she said she would be glad to help. After only a few days, with the help of Boot Camp and the daily accountability, I was back in control. This summer I have tracked (on my own--not to my boss) faithfully every single day--even when I had holidays or special occasions, and the result has been wonderful! (I am now several pounds below my goal--only a couple of pounds away from where I'd like to stay!) I "sub" for vacationing leaders occasionally during the summer months, and I have thoroughly enjoyed going to the extra meetings and sharing successes and tips with the members.

    You asked if anyone would like to partner with you. I'd be glad to be your accountability partner. I live on the other side of the continent, but I'd be happy to partner electronically. :-)

    (Anne Arundel County, MD)
